Longshoremen's strike could have catastrophic impact on Port of Baltimore

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Longshoremen's strike could have catastrophic impact on Port of Baltimore
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Some people just want to be able to afford to buy a decent house. Some of the southern ports make less but cost if living is different.. Bottom line is the Biden/Harris have caused massive inflation in past 4 years and the middle class working folks are hit the hardest... If ports close and Boeing is not making planes, this could cause more price increases. U have Trains, Planes, Ships and Trucks.


This is a really grossly anti-worker and anti-union way to frame this story. What about the necessity of their demands? Why aren’t you talking about how if there is a strike, it’s because of the wealthy people at in the C-suite and the Boardrooms who make obscene amounts of money, while the workers are having to strike to get enough to live on.

I’m so disappointed to see journalists, who are workers themselves, not having solidarity with other workers. Most people aren’t making enough to survive on, so the privileged people like on-screen anchors and journalists who usually are making a living wage should have some perspective, ffs! Understand how much better you have it and use your privilege to help the rest of us. The owners are the ones causing this strike because they won’t just agree to these reasonable demands from the Unions.
