Is Mel Broken or Balanced?

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Playing against this champ is a lot like getting an x-ray, you’re not really sure what’s happening but you’re pretty sure you’re getting cancer.


The reflect is not the issue, I think. The reach of her poke coupled to her ult is the problems


IMO, her W shouldn't give damage immunity against everything. It should only give projectile reflection.


IMO he reflect should be the same as all spellshields in the game: First projectile gets reflected and the shield break. Nocturne shield works like this, sivir shield works like this but Mel is invulnerability to all damage, gets movespeed and reflect ALL projectiles for the whole duration.

And for people saying "It's her only defensive tool" compare it to lux shield lol. Mel have 10% less range on her poke, but her root is AOE and comparing their W's make this a joke. Or Hwei defensive options on his W. It's normal for control mages to be weak if people reach them. That's their weakness.


Dodge b4 it happens is normally called predicting. And yeah, a poke ability that you need to constantly predict is broken.


I love dodging an entire round of abilities just so that i can't get into adc auto range but not be able to auto because I'd self delete just in time for her CDs to finish and then get nuked by the second round of her abilities.


Every new champ :
- People who likes it : it’s balanced
- The rest : it’s broken


That ability, it’s super hard to see. It’s also got like zero wind up and travel time. Very annoying. At least make it easier to see.


Hard disagree. The problem is that she completely negates certain champs. Imagine the Mel mid is slightly ahead of you and you're a skillshot champ. As she's walking at you she can freely cast everything and try to kill you but you cannot fight back. You either whiff your ability so it doesnt reflect to you (wow fun mind games), or you cast it and kys in the process.
I also don't understand why her reflect appears to be slightly faster? If anything it should be slower so that it's more fair.


"The champion is broken"
"Just always dodge her attacks before she uses them and know when she reflects bro"


I would disagree regarding mind games around Mel W. Like if mel has at least some brains, she will keep her W for important abilities early on. Ahri E, Lux Q, Yasuo Q (tornado). If we speak about ults, her W easily counters huge amount of champions. If it was just block, then yea, maybe. But because it reflects back to you, you lose any trade cause she can just W most important spell and send it back to u. I would say its same as with ZED. He may be super weak, but its just unfun to play against him and thats why he is in high ban rate all the time


Balanced for sure. But just like ambessa, straight up a better version of other abilities. For example braum who only blocks the projectile and takes 35% dmg, mel is also invulnerable during the duration to ANY non turret dmg. So even garen ult doesn't not work on this ability. I have hereby been proven wrong by the comments recently.


70 percent banrate in high elo "She's balanced"

Never heard this guy not shill for riot.


The argument of timing fighting on her W cooldown is fair, until you play ADC and she just reflects an auto back into your face, instantly reducing the damage you just dealt to 0 while most likely chunking close to a quarter of your own health.


Balanced or not she’s unfun to play against imo, regardless if the player using her is good or bad.


I'm hearing insane amounts of cope because you like playing her


The issue with reflect is they gave a high damage burst champ with an ability that makes them immune to damage for 1 second while they spam their abilities, it's almost like a zhonya's that lets you still cast abilities. If anything though, they need to add a range to the execute. Being able to execute someone that is in the fog of war is broken.


Normally being at 30% hp when lane opponent hits level 6 is bad.
Against Mel you have to treat being at 60% the same as being at 30% against the rest of the cast because after level 6 she only has to get you to 30% and she auto wins.

Not to mention if her w is up you can't throw anything out


I completely disagree. Her Q range is absolutely absurd for poke that deals so much damage and applies so many of her stacks. Her ult should not target everybody that has stacks and instead only one person.


I like you azzapp, but this is a bad take. Reflecting like the way Mel does is absolutely toxic, and idc how "new" it is, it's gonna be a bad mechanic until they nerf it.
