What We Learned After 48 Hours with Nintendo Switch

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Nintendo Switch is almost here and we have updated hands on impressions for you.

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You gotta give nintendo credit though. They managed to make a console that can be used as a home console, portable console and even a family / party console. I understand the battery life can be a little cruddy and the graphics isn't 1080p when in portable mode but this is still a huge leap for mobile gaming and even the whole gaming industry as a whole. If you don't like the nintendo switch then by all means to each is your own opinion. The choice is yours. ;)


Daaammmmn...IGN's comment section is the Nintendo Haters lair.


Me to myself: "stop watching nintendo switch videos, its gonna make you want to buy one and you cant afford it at day one. Plus you only want it for zelda... and splatoon + other cool games dont come out in like months so dont waste your money "

Also me: "okay but let me click this video really quickly"


I don't care about graphics. I don't care that it's not 4k. I don't care that it not the most powerful console. I only care that the games I'm playing are fun, and the games I've seen, look like a boatload of fun.


The amount of salt in the comment section is hilarious! To those who are getting the Switch: Have a very good time people!


You get a pc if you want a gaming beast. You get a nintendo console when you want the mind blowingly good exclusives.


*scrolls to comments*

*typical IGN anti Nintendo circlejerk*


what people can't seem to understand is that nintendo is definitely not trying to directly compete with sony and Microsoft, nor have they for a while. Rather just coexist.

This is not meant to be exclusively a home console, and it's phenomenal for what it's meant to be/do. it is objectively great console but when you compare it to a PS4 using criteria that the PS4 is already much better at meeting, obviously you'll be disappointed.

I can't understand everyone's predisposed dissent toward Nintendo. they've continued to do so much for this industry for so long and I don't see it ending anytime soon.


I love how people are trying to convince themselves that the Switch will be a failure even though its selling like hotcakes, 3rd party devs are ready to roll, every youtuber who has played it loved it, and not to mention the millions of people practically throwing their money at their computer screen wanting to preorder.


why hating on switch? it's not even release yet and have you guys even tried playing it


Love it or hate it. The Switch is the console with more personality in the market!


All I know, is that Nintendo systems are always worth it just for the 1st and 2nd party games... I always come back to them... The replayability factor is always super high...


I don't have the time, space, or money to game on more than 1 console so I won't be getting it, but I think it's great and hope it succeeds.


The system aim even out yet and people say its a failure. you can only say its a failure after i think year or year and 6months


When I was a kid playing on my N64 with my brother and sister, I pitched to them a console that was *Exactly* like The Switch... and they both laughed at me ]:l


You've got to laugh at anyone arguing that its not as powerful as the PS4 / Xbox One when you see it placed along side one. It's tiny. As a PC Gamer, you realize the benefits of a powerful laptop over a gigantic desktop, and for me, one should be willing to sacrifice graphical prowess for portability. In this case its no different.

Fundamentally, Nintendo typically make the funnest games too imo. And personally, 3DS is possibly my favourite console of all time, for that very reason. And I cannot wait for this bad boy.


comment section:
90% people complaining about people complaining about the nintendo switch.
9.9% people actually complaining about the nintende switch.
0.1% people complaining about too many people complaining about other people complaining about the nintendo switch and listing random statistics (me)


So...Who's actually excited for the Switch?


To the Haters and the waiters. Ive been through this exact same thought process, I did it with the PS4 and the WII U. I waited and waited, looked for what I did or didnt like, I moaned so much about the Wii U I only bought it a year ago. And you know what... Life is too short and how many times in your life will you get to buy a Nintendo console at launch, not many. Just buy it from the start and enjoy the ride for the whole life of the console eagerly awaiting each new game release or OS update. Ive preorded this, I'm all in, through the good and bad, cant wait!


Actually the paper in the box says that the joycons are recharging when they are attached on the Switch in handheld mode, but they won't recharge forever just to not drop the battery life of the system itself.


So many people are hating on the Switch meanwhile I'm deciding which console to buy with it as a complementary console. You do realize you can get an Xbox One/PS4 for home/exclusives then a Switch for portability/exclusives right?
