Programming in GW-BASIC

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Every computer in the 1980s and into the 1990s had some kind of BASIC programming environment. The BASIC on the first IBM PC was BASICA, which required a BASIC ROM. After that, Microsoft released GW-BASIC, which didn't require BASIC in ROM. GW-BASIC was the default BASIC in MS-DOS until MS-DOS 5, when they replaced it with QBASIC.

In May 2020, Microsoft released the GW-BASIC source code under the MIT license, and FreeDOS developers have been getting that code to assemble using modern tools. They recently released a new version, so let's explore GW-BASIC on FreeDOS.

The original GW-BASIC source code: (MIT license)

Updated GW-BASIC project:

Want to start programming in GW-BASIC? Here's a handy reference:

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I could listen to this guy talk all day


Loved it 😃 I became nostalgic seeing my first programming language!


Thanks for your clip about programming in GW-Basic.


Great video. I bought my first PC in 1988/9 and it came with GW-BASIC. I picked this up straightaway and then went on to Borland's Turbo Basic (precursor to PowerBasic) which actually compiled your code into .EXE files. Ahh, the power...


QBASIC is what started my entire software engineering career. Getting tons of nostalgia watching this, even if it is a different BAISC interpreter, haha.


great program and it really works fine thanks for sharing my like is done .


I taught myself BASIC from 1982, when was 14. I was very adept at it's use. It's the only language I ever learned. As a result, I absolutely cannot fathom how other languages do not use line numbers. If were 25, or even 35, I might look into attending some schooling to be able to understand how a computer program can function without line numbers, but I'm not, and, after several attempts by good folks who were too nerdy to tone down their jargon to where I could follow, I ended up at 54 years old, no longer giving a rat's behind. I can still write programs in GW BASIC to do whatever I need; and quite powerful ones at that.


SAVE"GUESS", A will save the file in readable ASCII in GW-BASIC, if you'd like. Also, love the the C program.


It’s great if this successful compilation of GWBASIC can lead to that it will be included in FreeDOS. It was the missing piece that you always had to download manually.


IIRC, BASICA came with PC-DOS (generally made for IBM-manufactured microcomputer) whereas GW-BASIC typically came with MS-DOS (generally meant for non-IBM manufactured PC "clones"). BASICA was an "extension" to the existing code in the ROM BASIC -- adding some functionality such as disk access (otherwise you're limited ot cassette storage), while GW-BASIC that came with MS-DOS (version of DOS you'd use in non-IBM "clone") would be a stand-alone BASIC interpreter (since many non-IBM "clone" computer may not have included a built-in ROM BASIC -- probably because of extra cost as they'd need to license it to include it in ROM). PC-DOS would generally only work on IBM-manufactured PCs, whereas MS-DOS would work on both IBM-manufactured PCs as well as "clone" PCs.


How do you print a one digit number as two digits number in GWBASIC on screen? Example 1 as 01, 2 as 02, 3 as 03 up to 9, so that when printing up to 99 the single digits will line up with the two digits numbers on screen. Please help me.


Does anybody else remember DONKEY.BAS ?
