The pros and cons to being married in the Army

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Their are some advantages to being married in the Army compared to single their is also some disadvantage to being a married soldier in the Army. Let me explain the pros and cons.

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Pro: if you or your wife has a baby, hospital expenses are covered.

Con: you end up with 12 kids by the time you retire.


In my experience, the pros outweighed the cons. I said this before, I knew several single soldiers (most of them were privates straight out of AIT) who looked up old sweethearts from back home and married them because barracks life was that unbearable. I never met anyone who regretted it, nor have I met any married soldier who envied or wanted to trade places with single soldiers (for the same reason - barracks).


If you’re dual military and you have kids don’t be surprised if both command always say “can’t your spouse do it.” 🙄

The army is good about preaching “take care of your family” but has a hard time actually “letting” you take care of issues that arrive then want to try and punish you when it gets out of hand.


When I was in the Army in the 90's we had a signal brigade that was deploying all the time for months on end. Their solution for not paying separation pay...ship the family members out to the field to hang out with the soldier. Yes, the army can truly suck.


That first con has never happen in the 18 years I've been in. Same goes for the rest of the NCO's i''ve observed during this time. What you have described due to toxic leadership.


Thank you for the valuable information! My husband and I are planning to join the army soon (as in both being on duty), my question is, would all of these points also apply to us? or do certain things change?


In my unsolicited opinion, married soldiers are committing bigamy. The Army is the senior spouse--the Army owns your body. It's hard to be human and #2.


I was in the Canadian Military for 38+ Years, you do not get any extra pay for being married. You can apply for Married Quarters, but again we are not subsidized and our Private Married Quarters (PMQs) rent rates are the same as renting on civvy street. The advantage to PMQs are that you are living in a neighbourhood of other military families, so you are with people who understand your situation. My wife and I have been married for 40 Years, the one thing I did do when our relationship got serious, I made sure that she understood that if she married me, she married the military until I either retired or died and if she was not able to handle that we would need to reconsider our relationship.

Lawrence Tierney
Warrant Officer (Ret) (E-7/8) Equivalent.


I’m getting married to a usm army man I’m not in the army myself I’m after more information please


Ya getting marriage is privilege in the US Military. You do not live like a convict in the barracks, even the lowest rank enlisted gets a good home with the wife and usually child from his high school hook up and more money! I live for 3 years in the barracks and it sucked!


If you are young and E-1 to E-4 i think being married is a big mistake. Especially in stateside units i seen to many times the wives cheating on husbands while they are out in the field never mind deployed overseas. Outside Ft Hood, TX there are tons of clubs and we always heard and seen girls fooling around while there husbands were in the field and personally i had a girl that was always hitting on me so we got together a few times and eventually i found out she was married to an NCO at FT Hood. I could have gotten in some big trouble no fault of my own. On the positive side when i was stationed in Germany i thought it would have been cool to share my experiences there with a partner if i had one.Bottom line stay single to age 28-30 in the military or civilian world.


I recommend NO ONE get married before age 30, military or not. Granted, I was not taking my own advice when I was in and almost got married, but avoided it. It is hard to convince young people who are in lust to stay single. They think they know everything


The Army would issue you a wife if they want you to have one.
Stay truthful to the strippers.


I was in from 1991-1994 and was married. I never had to live in the barracks and my BAQ and SepRats were almost as much as my monthly E-3 and E-4 pay.


I was an E-4 in the late 80's and lived in the barracks. A buddy of mine, E-4 also was CQ runner on a Saturday and was mad because I was busy putting a new stereo in my car. He was mad because he didn't have the money for things like that and I was like, hey pal my cash comes with living in the barracks. Then he was saying that I spent half my nights at my girlfriends apartment, BUT DUDE, THE ARMY DOESN'T GIVE ME MONEY FOR


They gave me two times QWERTY keyboard back. And five times server boards. Board just gave birthday.


❤ "Working with U.S. Navy Working With U.S. Airforce, already data worked for U.S. Army technology Communication,


Marry your roomate and both of you can get a place off base n more pay.


Been thinking about reenlisting its been 3 married now im looking up all the pros and cons miss the army life just dont know how its gonna be if i go in married and a new born


I remember back in the late 80s and early 90s, soldiers were getting married just for the extra money sorta like a business deal...
