TIG Welding Techniques

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The backstep technique is when you weld a short section and then back up behind that weld and make another short weld that blends into the previous short weld.
Back stepping can help prevent distortion.
On an aerospace test weld on really thin metal, the back step technique can really help.
For example, if the test piece is 15-7ph stainless and .020" thick, welding a full run might cause excessive distortion or deflection.
welding a 5 or 6 inch long test piece might not seem like much but depending on the fixture provided, a full length run might not be the best approach.
3 shorter welds might be more efficient.
This video demonstrates the backstep technique on .040" thick steel.

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I just wanted to take a second to thank you for all the years of helpful and informative information.


Another great video!!! I not only learn a lot, but I just enjoy seeing different applications on different materials and I've been in trade 48 years now. Thanks for all the great information.


I've been welding a lot of aluminum lately since repairing my old Miller 330 A/BP. i think of the techniques from your videos every time and try to practice them while welding. I've noticed a big improvement. I was having a wandering arc problem the other day and my mind went back to your video on how to cut tungsten. Sure enough I hadn't cut it, but the tungsten was split! i replaced it and it welded great.


It never ceases to amaze me how you make your filler wire look like it's made out off butter whenever you're showcasing low amp welding.
I know you've made videos discussing the importance of picking the right filler metal, but have you considered doing one that highlights the issues you run into when using the /wrong/ kind of filler when welding alloys?
Your content is great as an educational tool and I love being able to refer to it when talking to people.


Thank you Jodie for this video. I just started my 2nd year in college and we are beginning with this. This is very helpful <3 We love your videos


Thanks Jody for the great information and the how to use those products. Stay safe and keep up the great videos. Fred.


That's a nice flowmeter you got there. The logo looks awesome.👍👍


The logo on the flowmeter looks nice. Awesome!👌💯


That's awesome Jody. Thoughtful, pro-tip right here.


for a welding test on aluminum for job interview I once upon a time welded pop cans together. Not two but twenty. Got the job.


Love your videos, great information delievered clearly. Im just starting on tig next week in welding school!


Based in Ireland I think I’ve watched most of your videos while I’ve been on my welding journey and have appreciated every single one.

Do you have a distributor in the EU for your products?


Awesome video Jody you the man 👊🏻 I never really tried the clear cups we had some cheap ones at work years ago and someone was welding aluminum with them and dipped the tungsten or something crazy the one guy would break the pink cups all the time I think from having the tungsten inside the cup instead of a stick out. Anyway that’s where I think your cups would do better they seem thicker compared to that other brand may. I’ll have to give them a try soon I need a new Tig finger while I’m at it. 👍


Hello my dear teacher hope you are all good.
I am also getting better and better day by day with 7018
I hope i will find a good job.


Back stepping is a requirement in some power plants on long runs in the uphill vertical direction. Fitting girth seams on vessels it can come in handy as well to prevent pushing a bubble around the vessel. And no, back stepping is not block welding.


Jody, I just heard about the "incident" at Delta Maintenance @ Hartsfield. My condolences.


Very Beautiful... I love that you have a job... It's great...


In the fields I would put that purge so high that I use it for a fan lol


Love the videos. Can you do a video on stick out. I saw a video from Luke Aston and he was using an extremely large cup and had a stick out of at least 3” welding an exhaust header.


Great video, although as bad as I am it it, my life expectancy will probably show up before any decent skills develop in me. At XX yrs of age, I'm beginning to think realistically
