Unizor - Function Limits - One-Sided Limits

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Unizor - Creative Minds through Art of Mathematics - Math4Teens
One-sided Function Limit
Definition 1
Real number L is the limit of function f(x) from the right (or is the right limit) as argument x approaches real number a if for any sequence {xn}, that approaches a while each element of this sequence is greater than a, the sequence {f(xn} converges to L.
Symbolically, it looks like this: lim{x→a+} f(x)=L
An equivalent definition using ε-δ formulation is as follows:
∀ε (positive) ∃δ:
x∈(a,a+δ) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
Similar definition exists for the limit from the left.
Definition 2
Real number L is the limit of function f(x) from the left (or is the left limit) as argument x approaches real number a if for any sequence {xn}, that approaches a while each element of this sequence is less than a, the sequence {f(xn} converges to L.
Symbolically, it looks like this: lim{x→a−} f(x)=L
An equivalent definition using ε-δ formulation is as follows:
∀ε (positive) ∃δ:
x∈(a−δ,a) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
If function f(x) converges to L as x→a, then this function converges to the same L as x→a+ or x→a−.
Both one-sided limits are supposed to be the same as a general limit. This follows from the fact that if f(xn)→L for any sequence of arguments {xn} approaching a, the same limit would be if arguments approach a only from the right or only from the left.
The converse statement is not, generally speaking, true.
For example, consider a function that is equal to 0 for all negative arguments and is equal to 1 for positive or zero arguments. This function has limit from the left 0 and limit from the right is 1.
However, if both one-sided limits exist and equal to each other, the general limit also exists and equal to these one-sided limits.
Assume the following:
lim{x→a−} f(x) = lim{x→a+} f(x) = L
Prove that
lim{x→a} f(x) = L
Choose any positive constant ε.
Then we know that
∃δ1:x∈(a−δ1,a) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
∃δ2:x∈(a,a+δ2) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
Let δ=MIN(δ1,δ2).
Then both above conditions are met for this δ and we can state that
∃δ:x∈(a−δ,a+δ) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
which is the definition of a general limit at point x=a.
One-sided Function Limit
Definition 1
Real number L is the limit of function f(x) from the right (or is the right limit) as argument x approaches real number a if for any sequence {xn}, that approaches a while each element of this sequence is greater than a, the sequence {f(xn} converges to L.
Symbolically, it looks like this: lim{x→a+} f(x)=L
An equivalent definition using ε-δ formulation is as follows:
∀ε (positive) ∃δ:
x∈(a,a+δ) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
Similar definition exists for the limit from the left.
Definition 2
Real number L is the limit of function f(x) from the left (or is the left limit) as argument x approaches real number a if for any sequence {xn}, that approaches a while each element of this sequence is less than a, the sequence {f(xn} converges to L.
Symbolically, it looks like this: lim{x→a−} f(x)=L
An equivalent definition using ε-δ formulation is as follows:
∀ε (positive) ∃δ:
x∈(a−δ,a) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
If function f(x) converges to L as x→a, then this function converges to the same L as x→a+ or x→a−.
Both one-sided limits are supposed to be the same as a general limit. This follows from the fact that if f(xn)→L for any sequence of arguments {xn} approaching a, the same limit would be if arguments approach a only from the right or only from the left.
The converse statement is not, generally speaking, true.
For example, consider a function that is equal to 0 for all negative arguments and is equal to 1 for positive or zero arguments. This function has limit from the left 0 and limit from the right is 1.
However, if both one-sided limits exist and equal to each other, the general limit also exists and equal to these one-sided limits.
Assume the following:
lim{x→a−} f(x) = lim{x→a+} f(x) = L
Prove that
lim{x→a} f(x) = L
Choose any positive constant ε.
Then we know that
∃δ1:x∈(a−δ1,a) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
∃δ2:x∈(a,a+δ2) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
Let δ=MIN(δ1,δ2).
Then both above conditions are met for this δ and we can state that
∃δ:x∈(a−δ,a+δ) ⇒ |f(x)−L| ≤ ε
which is the definition of a general limit at point x=a.