P0507 Idle Speed Performance Higher Than Expected (vacuum leak) - Jeep

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Idle Speed Problems P0507 caused by a vacuum leak
If you have a Chrysler or Jeep and have this trouble code and/or too high of an idle speed, then this video is for you.

On ScannerDanner Premium I will bring you right into my classroom at Rosedale Technical College. You will find page for page lectures taken right from my book as well as exclusive classroom type case studies. What is so special about these classroom case studies? I pull live problem vehicles directly into my classroom and we troubleshoot them in real time, using and applying the theory and testing procedures we learn during the classroom lectures. There is no better on-line training of how to troubleshoot automotive electrical and electronics systems anywhere!

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You know what I like best about your videos? That as you talk yourself through the repair, you don’t try to pretend you know everything(nobody does, right?). You don’t act like every repair is perfect and easy. In this case you found a vacuum leak. Simple. But the correct diagnosis requires a process, whether it is an easy or hard repair. Your videos demonstrate that, as well as the repair.


I had the same leak on my car and fixed it with High temp Pure silicon black RTV. Just filled that whole area, because I couldn't find a replacement O-Ring. Worked like a charm!


Great video, I never would have thought of using a water bottle to find the leak. I was going to buy a new throttle body, but it ended being a $5 elbow, no more engine light. Thank you!


Nice work. A lot of shops these days are just swaping parts out based off trouble codes. Even the dealerships are doing this. Then they just charge the customer for all the unnecessary parts they installed to "diagnose" the problem.


Man I love that water test! Stealing it for sure, thanks for the great video!!


I was working on a dodge truck and you just helped me fix it


Thank you 🙏🏼 I have this and have replaced so many things myself and can’t for the life of me get this jeep to just run correct. I’ll admit I’ve been the code changer until this video


I absolutely love your videos, Paul. You know how to approach every problem you come across. You remind me of my college teacher when I took Automotive Technology. If you know how a system works, you can fix it. Keep up the good work!


wow Danner, I am in auto tech in my technical college but I so far you have taught me more about engine performance than anyone else. whenever I have an issue I can't figure it for a while I am always like. "Where is Danner when I need him" haha. you are really good at what you do and I hope to one day have the knowledge that you do. I am investing more money in diagnostic tools so far than hand tools.


I have the solus edge and it have the troubleshooter built in and I use it all the time it is a great asset that snap on has incorporated into their scan tools, and at no additional charge is what makes me it so great! It is especially helpful when you're in the field and can't readily get access to a computer. Great video as always, very informative!


Just solve a problem with a gearbox that took me 5 and a half hour to figure out. I'm smiling with you :)


I have changed so many parts because the mechanics suggested it, this is truly awesome, I hope I can find a mechanic that can help me or if I can try to find this leak, I am pretty sure that is the problem with my car too


As you said it it's really awesome fault finder special tool water P0507.


I just got the same smile on my face because of your video. thank you


Used your water trick found vaccum leak at #2 fuel injector orings, cheers!


awesome video, I'm working on a 2005 Chrysler Pacifica, with a 3.5l. came across the same code after fixing the 0420 and the moss fire on cylinder 4. came a crossed P0507 after. my listening for vacuum noise. I found a dry crack on the intake manifold. hopefully this helps anyone that experiences this issue


A rough day, but ... love the water test. Nice!


Great video man. I didn't even realize they still made MAP only systems, that's is good for me to know as the rest of the video. HAHAHA. Just the other day on a forum I taught to use water for vacuum leaks probably thanks to you bringing it up before. :)

Normally, I give credit, but I forgot who I learned it from.


I think this is exactly what I just went through. I got this code; my garage had me replace the electric throttle body; a 500$ job total... didn't fix the fault code...


As usual in your videos, great approach and diagnostic!! Quick and easy! Paul keep your videos coming!!! Thanks for sharing!!
