How to Cool the Planet

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Global warming abatement – how one could reduce the warming of the earth. Discussion of adding sulfurdioxide to the atmosphere from volcanoes and how they reduced the temperature of the earth.
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If Prof. Ruzic is correct, then what we might consider doing is NOT performing hydrodesulfurization on jet fuel used at cruising altitudes. Perhaps all jet aircraft would have to carry two grades of jet fuel: one grade for takeoffs, climbing to altitude, then descending past some upper limit, the approaches and landing. The fuel used at cruise altitude could be that which contains the sulfur naturally occurring in most crude oils.


Send my ex wife into orbit. She blocks out the light wherever she goes.


Where does the SO2 go from the upper atmosphere, that it needs to be replaces every year? - does it decompose or does it acutally migrate into the lower atmosphere causing acid rain after all?


It's great to see people working on solutions to cool global planet temperatures. The Earth's temperature cannot remain high! We need to start funding these projects.


The huge problem is the planet has all sorts of feedback loops and measurable changes can take years to develop. How would we know what is enough change to make. Too much and we could get a permanent ice age such as the Little Ice Age and Maunder Minimum that ran from AD 1300 to AD 1850.
We simply do not know how to control these things.
Just 10, 000 year ago (geological blink of an eye) we rapidly exited a full on ice age but we really don’t know what caused the change.


I'm a big fan of pretty much all your videos, but I'd wish the citations at the end were included in the description for the reader's convenience :)


Professor Nuke just suggested SO2 chemtrails


Please! The term "year without a summer" was 1817.... after the eruption of Tambora in 1816, probably an order of magnitude larger than Krakatoa....


Okay sir, I would say you have single handed solved the climate crisis.
Now, we just have to educate more knuckle draggers, to be able to do it.
Astounding, , what one human being can do with a complete education and the knowledge of those who came before.
God, all of our ancestors, all the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, who will ever live, would be proud of you.
I stand before all of us, with all my understanding and rationales, this is why we did it this way, and not that way, it was the best we at the time with the understanding and knowledge we had.
You have earned, a place in the mind of god, the god of flesh and blood, a man and a woman.
Thank you.


Fascinating work. I have some sincere questions for you or anybody who knows and would like to chime in about it.
How much of the SO2 injected finds itself falling into the lower atmosphere rather than out to space?
What is the scale and technique required for producing the SO2 needed per injection?
What would be the rate of injection?
Any models of the dynamics of injection distribution available that you're aware of?
Thanks ahead of time for anyone who can tackle these questions. :)


Earth infrared radiation is absorbed by CO2 but absortion seems to saturate at about 400 ppm. Thus, increasing CO2 above this concentration will have little effect on global warming. Is this understanding correct?


a great series, i binge watch, but have some Qs on this topic
1. what is the carbon footprint of California wildfire-maybe wildfire mitigation is more cost effective than electric cars.
2. does the high level SO2 come down eventually?
3.theres a lot of other crud in the atm with volcanic eruption, who sys SO2 is does all the work?


How much CO2 was in the atmosphere before man started putting it there by burning fuels?


Dear Profesor, do i sound pretentiuos if i aks you a video with the math about this topic?


How does human contributed c02, compare to the active volcanos?


If things get bad enough this is one method where we can keep the planet from cooking until other methods can be applied. In the meantime we can perform much smaller experiments to have an idea what the pros/cons S02 are by injecting in the upper atmosphere. In short, we aren't finished as a species...yet.


Cant we just flip the clouds upside down?


Are you giving away the secrets of chem trails? Lol
Love this Channel, you have my sub sir!


Actually water vapor is the biggest problem not CO2 or anything else cause the trend of the Earth heating up started hundreds of thousands of years ago and before that the Earth had 12 times the CO2 with minimal difference in Temp from today.


Doesn't SO2 have an effect on the Ozone layer?
