How do i uninstall Facebook and reinstall on iPhone

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How do i uninstall Facebook and reinstall on iPhone

This VIDEO teaches you how do i uninstall Facebook and reinstall, This Tuto will step you through the process of reinstalling Facebook on iPhone.

Why i reinstall Faebook on iPhone ?

Because technology is fallible, any social media app has the potential to stop working properly and faillure. If your Facebook app starts malfunctioning on your iPhone, remove it from your iPhone's and then reinstall it from the App Store. So, how to reinstall Facebook on iPhone?

In this video tutorial we present for you a method to learn how do i reinstall my Facebook app on my iPhone

how do i reinstall Facebook on my iPhone

Hold your finger on the Facebook app's icon on your iPhone's home screen. Release your finger when all the icons start wiggling. then Tap the "X" that appears on the Facebook app icon and tap "Delete" to remove the app from your iPhone. Tap the "Home" button to stop the wiggling of the apps.

Go Open the "App Store" on your iPhone. then Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to open a search field and Type "Facebook" in the field and then click "Search." Finally go to "Facebook" in the results list and tap "Install."

How to reinstall Facebook app on iPhone

Follow this steeps to learn how do i reinstall Facebook app on iPhone

1- To reinstall the Facebook App go to the 'App Store'

2- Tap search icon

3 On the search bar type 'Facebook'

4- Click on download icon

5- Tap 'Open' and log in to your account

Here's how do i uninstall and reinstall Facebook on my iPhone

I hope that this vidéo "reinstalling Facebook on iPhone" help you to understand how do i reinstall my Facebook app

And that’s it. We hope this makes it clear how to uninstall and reinstall Facebook on iPhone

If you have any other questions, please let us know in the comments section below.

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