The IBM 5150 - The First PC - A Look Inside and Running Programs

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While the IBM 5150 may not be the first system to be referred to as a "personal computer", it is the system the really put the term in societies vernacular. As the first successful x86 based home computer, this is the PC that spawned the "IBM compatible" clones in the 80s, and is the ancestor of our modern desktop and laptop computers today. In fact, many programs that run on this 35 year old computer will run on modern hardware. See where it all started as we open up this system and power it on and run a few programs!
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The original IBM PC (IBM 5150) (as seen in Terry Stewart's computer collection)
ZipVid: The IBM 5150 Personal Computer
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IBM 5150, the first personal computer PC 1981
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IBM PC 5150
IBM 5150 CPU Board
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