Understanding Water Levels in Integrated Aquarium Filters

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Aquatic Expert Tom Sarac explains why water levels sometimes differ between the main aquarium area and the integrated filtration compartment. Applicable to Fluval Flex, Spec and Evo aquarium models.
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Wow! No one, that I've seen, has addressed this. I'm new to this system and never thought to look, thank you!


I noticed my pump compartment was completely empty of water, but the main tank is totally full. When I pour water into the pump compartment, it all gets pushed out by the pump immediately, emptying the pump compartment, and making my main tank overflow. What’s going on?


Thank you for this information, so very useful.


Very Informative video! I notice my water level in the Marineland Portrait Five gallon tank keep rising and the water in the back of the tank is going down! I was wondering why it was doing this in the tank?


If this is the case it would be advisable to put your aquarium heater in the front section of the aquarium to reduce the risk of having the heater malfunction if you had it in the back where the filter is located. This can cause failures and even a fire. If you do put it in the back make sure you check the water level often.


I have the fluval flex 15 and I have everything set up the way listed in the instructions. I have the heater from you guys that you recommend for this tank in the exact spot shown in the instructions, in the filter compartment. The issue is that I can not fill the actual tank with enough water for the top intake grates to be able to intake water because if I do, then the water level is so high in the filter compartment that my heater has to place up so high that I can not put the tank lid on.


...i figured this out at 3 am when i heard my pump cavitating! Nothing like impending doom to wake the dead to attention.


I put my heater where the pump is on my fluval flex 15 gallon woke up to burning smell rushed downstairs and was looking at what aquarium had the problem but it was easy to see the pump on the flex was making lots of bubbles because the water level was low, obviously the filter broke and since then always keep the filter on the opposite end compartment, I'm also about to take out the sponge filter that goes in the middle cut it In half put it on the first compartment and fill the second one with media to the top


I have a little bit larger one. Can too much water evaporate and the pump stop working I’ve been away for over a week?


old video but can you make a wet dry filter fully submerged? Like drill a home lower like some aio units do so if the water level runs low the pump wont run dry? i have a sea clear acrylic with wet dry built in back is why is im asking. thanks


which filter chamber should an ATO sensor go into?


I just set up a flex 15g. The top intake is above the water line..only a tiny bit is under water...is this normal, or ok?


Hi Just bought a flex 57 ltr tank. newbie question . the two water teturn jets from pump. Should they be above the water level? My guess is yes to allow aeration of the water? I have set the level to where my fish shop said but I see micro bubbles fast flowing round the upper half of the water. No fish in the tank yet as at least around 10 days to get filter up and running properly . Your advice please Level as set from advice so far is if looking from the front half way up the black grid around the top.


Thanks for your explanation. Can Fluval Hang on back filters (like the Fluval C3 or Aquaclear) be used in low water level turtle tanks? Thank you!


I just did a water change n before that everything was working fine. Then after i clean the tank my watter just suddenly stop floting through the filter. So u have any idea y hat hapoen n is, a new tank


I have the Betta kit, it also uses the filter method, however I have 2 tanks that water overflows out of the side of the tank. How can I stop this from happening?


I need help my fist saltwater tank the Evo 13.5 don't know if I'm cycling the tank right??? Can I use to much Beneficial bacteria in my tank when starting.... ??? Also the fluval cycle the red bottle is that a dormant bacteria and takes a couple days to wake it up???


Just watched one of your videos from 2014. Where can I get that marina branded tool from?
Or do you know what can I use so I don’t have to put my hand in the tank?


Thanks for the video! It would also be good to have extra tips on how high to fill the tank (mid-way up the honeycomb?), what dangerously low levels of water are, and how to tell the difference between normal evaporation and the filter or intakes being blocked (because most of us have some filter floss in there)


When you say to off.. are you saying fill the back area up to be level with your tank level?
