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There is always help available. Please, I love you all


YouTube asked how I felt about this video 💀


*"Don't do suicide, that stuff kills"*


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i love you 98%
i love you 99%
i love you 100%


To whoever reads this,

i love you

i love your smile
i love your laugh
i love your personality
i love your hair (or lack thereof)
i love your insecurities
i love your accomplishments
i love your failures
i love your eyes
i love your beauty
i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
i love the way you dance
i love you on your happy days
i love you on your sad days
i love you on the days you feel lonely
i love you on the days you feel helpless
i love you on the days you feel like no one cares
i love you on the days you feel forgotten
i love you on the days you feel unmotivated
i love you on the days you feel loved
i love you on the days you feel sick
i love you on the days you feel motivated
i love you on the days you feel depressed
i love you on the days you feel stresses
i love you on the days you feel crazy
i love you on the days you feel hopeful
i love you on the days you feel cuddly
i love you on the days you feel clingy
i love you on the days you feel amazing
i love you on the days you feel beautiful
i love you on the days you feel like a failure
i love you on the days you feel angry
i love you on the days you feel aggressive
i love you on the days you feel horrible
i love you on the days you feel safe
i love you on the days you feel unsafe
i love you on the days you feel vulnerable
i love you on the days you feel weird
i love you on the days you feel ok
i love you when you're healthy
i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
i love your taste in music
i love your taste in movies
i love your taste in tv shows
i love the way you move
i love the way you act
i love you when you cry
i love you when you're kind
i love you when you're mean
i love you when you're alone
i love you when you can't feel
i love you when you feel too much
i love you when you can't take life anymore
i love you when you feel like it's too much
i love you when you're asleep
i love you when you have nightmares
i love you when you have dreams
i love how you believe
i love you when you believe in yourself
i love you when you don't believe in yourself
i love you when you hate yourself
i love you when you love yourself
i love the way you think
i love you problems
i love your solutions
i love how you support
i love you when you're in pain
i love you when you're hurt
i love your promises
i love your secrets
i love your attitude
i love you sass
i love your creativity
i love your voice (or lack thereof)
i love you hand gestures
i love your stories
i love your wounds
i love your scars
i love your face
i love your past
i love your future
i love your present
i love your outfits
i love your style
i love your art
i love your honesty
i love you when you lie
i love you when you're tired
i love you when you're energetic
i love how you look
i love how you cook
i love you when you're adventurous
i love you when you're scared
i love your imperfections
i love your perfections
i love you when you worry
i love you when you talk (or communicate)
i love your opinions
i love you when you have a headache
i love you when you have a stomach ache
i love you when you help others
i love you when you need help
i love you when you're mature
i love you when you're immature
i love you in the hard times
i love you in the easy times
i love you when life is meh
i love you when you're responsible
i love you when you're irresponsible
i love you when you fight
i love you in your darkest moments
i love you in your brightest moments
i love your heart
i love you in the day
i love you in the night
i love you at midnight
i love you at 3 am
i love you at all times
i love you at your best
i love you at your worst
i love the little things you do

i love all of you
i love you when you're you

i love 𝙮𝙤𝙪.

(this is for anyone who needs it and i hope it helped)


For those who are more curious, whole story below:
There was Girl named Jenny(the one in video) and she made the roblox game where she was explaining her feelings and she even called that game "feelings". She said that she was constantly bullied every day in school for existing and other. But in one scene she said like: "I can't take this anymore, I give up" and in last scene she(her avatar) is h*nging from ceiling(wich means she did a Suici*e)
Many Youtubers recorded that scene but they had to blurry it because of Youtube rules and little children.

I am quite shocked how she didn't told all those things to her parents because today's days Mostly victims of bullying are girl's. Her parents could've tought her how to defend herself or even fix all that by going to principal and having a nice talk.
Never take your life because of these things, they can be fixed by finding help in your parents or guardians or people who work in school(teachers, principal, psychologist).
Rest in Peace Jenny🕊🕊🕊

Edit: Jenny didn't actually died so it's alright y'all, also ty for likes🙃
Edit 2: OK guys your not blind, stop asking the game name, I said the game name above but the game isn't playable
Edit 3: Sorry I made a mistake, Jenny's *parents* "never listened" so that's why she was hopeless and almost done what she planned
Edit 4: Again Jenny is safe, hopefullly healthy and happy and alive. She made the game to show how these things *DO* happen irl and what you shouldn't do in those situations (even when when you hope the less, cause at end of every tunel there is a light, which means every problen can be sloved, you just need to find the way to do so)


"Value yourself for who you are." -my Grandpa's last words.❤


I remember getting bullied, but not alot. It hurts to be somewhere where almost everyone picks on you for being ugly. I cried each night, thinking that the bullying would never stop. All of their words echoed in my head, I was someone they'd never think as a person. It was hard, trying to focus when everyone pointed at me and laughed. I didnt have alot of friends, everyone stared and whispered about me. I never thought that school could be a horrible place, I understand now. I always thought of why I ever existed. They'd call me fat, ugly, trash etc. I couldnt tell anyone, if I did the bullies would hurt me. They threatened me, for weeks. It hurt, my heart ached, no one liked me in this world. But now, I'm in a much better state, I have alot of friends and people by my side. This is why you dont bully people, it could really effect them. I sat in silence for 1-2 years, getting bullied with no help. Please, just ask for help.. If someone threatens to hurt you, tell the teachers. If they do nothing, get your parents or even the police involved. You shouldnt have to sit in silence, afraid, and tortured with everyday bullying. I hope the best for everyone.❤


"they never listened." that relates to me so hard


“Your skin is not paper, Don’t cut it”
“Your neck is not a coat, Don’t hang it”
“Your size is not a book, Don’t judge it”
“Your life is not a film, Don’t end it”❤️


"be the best that you can be.."



this is so sad…the fact this happens to real people makes me tear up. thanks for not being afraid to spread awareness. 💕


As a person that has been bullied in EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL I understand. Till the point I shed and nearly died. Please, spread awareness of bullying. This is what it does to a person. Thank you for listening to this depressing shart, be happy stay safe. I love you all <3


This is what bullying does to people. The victim loses hope in themselves and just gives up. Don’t be the bully.


"Darkness leads to anger and anger leads to hatred."


Honestly relatable, please don't end your life as xiao said "there is always help available" and that's a fact right there Listen your valuable and your unique you don't desserve to *d1e* If someone is bullying you don't listen to them and bullies go way far than just saying rude stuff like yk cutt1ng stuff with a knife and many worse things just switch schools, avoide them and don't talk to them. I mean what else can I say people say "STOP THE BULLYING" but yk that's not helping at all we SERIOUSLY have to do act. We just watch people do stuff to their selves/Others. Do something don't act frozen K11ling yourself is not what life is called life is something that happens on its own and lets go something. Spread awareness 💖

Also for those who are wondering the game is called " *feelings* " but i think the owner got supposedly banned because if you click the developer it shows its no longer there. I don't really know if that was the right -feelings- game but let me know


She confirmed that she is alive, the bullying stop & she’s better now and her family listens to her


"Your life isn't a movie, don't end it"
- A wise person

Edit: Thank you for 208 likes i appreciate it 💖
Edit 2: Y'all i mean don't k!ll yourself-
Edit 3: Guys.. Please don't suicide.. Its a sad thing. You can't decide when to die but only God can. If you die that means God called you to go back home with him.. Love y'all.. ❤
(How the frick did i get so many likes? Thx y'all)


Don’t worry, the owner of the game didn’t kill herself she’s alive and well, but this game shows her sadness and the message of never breaking someone to the point you break them and they wanna do su*c*de.


For anyone who doesn’t know what happened this is it: So as you know it blurred of how bad/illegal so what happens is that she couldn’t take anymore of it so she tied herself up the rope and it’s very bad for the children to not see it and if your a child don’t be scared it’s gonna be fine. And this is the information of what happened.
