10 EXTREMELY Underrated Champions YOU SHOULD ABUSE In Patch 11.15 - League of Legends

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Lee is so underated he's an S+ jungler with a 20% pickrate in plat+


I hope riot makes Arelion Sol meta in the future, he has one of the most unique kits yet no one plays him


I agree on aphelios, i play him as adc and if you learn the setup for the guns he becomes much stronger. He is fun to play and he is a nice onetrick.


QOTD: for me NO, I'm a casual player, sometimes I play with Aurelion Sol and Azir and I am aware that they are somewhat "complicated" but still they are difficult for me, obviously well played and if you get ahead you are a beast,
but it is not fair that a champion is nerfed because a PROFESSIONAL uses him, besides taking the case of aurelion, he was nerfed by a 57% winrate if I am not mistaken, but "who plays it?" only dedicated players and how many are 2-3% of players :/


Malzahar top.

Garen, Fiora, Darisu (with ghost), Nasus, GP: "free LP, boys!"


I don't think Lee Sin, Morgana or Aphelios are underrated. People are playing that shit all the time XD I'm seriously wondering who's making these picks because they apparently haven't played league in awhile


”Malzahar doesn’t really win any matchups”

”Yasuo has entered the chat”


QOTD: Yes, if there is an op champion in any elo (even pro play) the champion should be nurfed even if the champion isn't good in the other elo's. But if a champion is op from bronze to plat but bad in pro play it should not be buffed just for the 1%. i think 1 op champion is worse for the game then 5 underpowered champ's.
for the A Sol case, i think that the nurf was fair but riot should have buffed him in other aspects to try and make him more played in lower elo's.


btw, dont run precision secondary on poppy run inspiration for time warp and biscuits, it gives you a more formidable early so that you can abuse even fiora and urgot


I was hard stuck Silver 4. I bought Ornn, and since then I climbed to nearly Silver 1 in few days. Crazy. I have won 15 games with him and lost only 1, because of afk support and Zed adc. Carry champions are just unplayable in Silver, because your team doesn't play around you when you are fed and the enemy team is really good and has tanks and carries working together.


Nice to see Karthus lane mentioned, still surprised more people don't use and abuse it :)


All the assassin laughing at velkoz/ Syndra player who play them "to counter lulu on lane"
Morgana being such a "secret" pick while she was God tier couple of patch ago


QOTD: to a certain extent, what’s considered balanced at the height of the competitive ladder should mean it’s fine for everyone else but riot doesn’t really do that. They let so many things slip through the cracks while overcorrecting other problems without even being able to see how much of a dominio effect they’re causing. It’s always “we’ll fix it later”. The Items rework and the runes rework have done nothing but muddy the waters even further and now it’s just left solo q in a miserable position where jungle/support roles are overpowered and Top/Adc have to fight for scraps, get occasionally buffer to relevance, then smacked down again because the junglers/support mains are crying.


omg i have to try that Syndra support. I loved Syndra as a mid champ but since i play mostly support so i never thought she ever belong there, have to give it a try, nice !


everyday i try to predict what will be pumped out to us.


Hey Nathan, I saw you on Smosh. Nice seeing you having fun there XD

BTW, I've played Syndra Support and I am not having any problems with that


When it comes to Aphelios I think that it's unhealthy for the game when there's a champion who can be good in any situation. It's all the dependant on which guns he's using. Even if you jump on him he can easily turn it around just by having the right guns, his learning curve is just high but the worst part is that even if you don't play him you have to learn about all the gun combinations too or else you get rekt because you didn't see the guns.


Idk if this is a personal preference or its just meta right now but dark harvest/Cheapshot/Eyeball Collection/Relentless Hunter with Celerity/Waterwalking on poppy is just goddamn insane. I havent had a horrible game whether it was a win or loss with this build. I recommend


QOTD : i don't know man you should ask renekton


QotD: i'd say it's fair to balance game around pro play, since this is where game goes at its maximum. But they do often confuse meta fashion for being op. And also they are mostly overnerfing things to the ground, which sucks.
