Hidden Government UFO Cover-Ups Discovered By Ben Hansen | UFO Witness

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Some of the most shocking instances of government coverups of UFO interactions which Ben Hansen discovered. #UFOWitness #DiscoveryUK

From Season 2.

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Thank you for having Brendan Fraser talking about aliens.


Thanks for having Tucker Carlson driving the van in that reenactment scene!


I saw the United States Government's triangle shaped Antigravity craft on August 30th 2023. I was on Indiana highway 446 close to the Hoosier national Forest sign heading back from fishing at Lake Monroe. The craft when I saw it was traveling from west to east. At first I thought it was a helicopter searching for someone in the forest and it came into view and I tried to realize what I was looking at in amazement. It was huge about the size of half a football field and the light it was putting off was light lights of the city as I drove under it. The lights on it were in the corners and center were crisp white with a blue hue. It had red and green navigation lights and strobe lights and a spot light close to the center. It was painted gray with the access panels highlighted lighter gray.  The panels were like the ones on the new stealth bomber design. It also had nose cones in the corners. The sides were rolled and not sharp like an air cutting edge. The way it moved in the sky was like it slid over the treetops and it didn't shake a leaf on the trees.  It moved steadily with a slight rotation northward without changing direction. I believe it was built by Northrop Grumman facilities... Most of the sights I have heard of are in direct pathways of their facilities and it resembled it's design aspects as other crafts that they built


I saw one evening in Tucson around 2004. Not scary, many lights in a line, maybe a minute then disappeared. I believe there are sentient ones watching as well as dark forces. Staying lit✨✨✨✨✨up helps me, and no not 420.


Ive seen that object here in Australia


I've just seen an episode.
I've had two encounters with craft.
One circular, one triangular.
They are bot
h piloted by Greys.
The last encounter with the triangular craft they communicated.
One night when in bed with the wife, three Greys where in the bedroom, I was out of body, one grey was learning over me and instructing the other two while they where putting probes into my wife's head.
I was 20 metres from the triangular craft in my last encounter 🙏
I don't expect anyone to believe me 🙏
The first encounter I missed two hours of time 🙏🙏
First encounter, Binbrook RAF base in the UK 🙏🙏


too much drama and all rehashed content - straight to dvd


the object has been flying over his home for years but he uses a call phone to record it ?


Discovery uk but show programmes about America whats next America discovery showing programmes based in Australia 😂😂😂😂😂
