How To Prune Tree Form Panicle Hydrangeas & Get Lots Of BIG, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS 👍😊😉💚

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Want to know HOW TO Prune Tree Form Hydrangeas? ✂️😉
Well, join David in the testing and trailing area of our nursery, and find out all about it 👍👏
Join him on a early spring morning and let him show you how he prunes our plants, so that you can get lots of lush, vigorous growth and gorgeous BIG, PRISTINE WHITE BLOOMS on your plants. 💪👌

In this video he will show you what a tree form hydrangea looks like, how you can trim it back moderately during the first year's establishment of planting and then when it is fully rooted in and ready to take off!
What you can do to encourage strong growth and magnificent BIG jaw dropping, awe-inspiring flowers that will make your garden the envy of your neighborhood.
So watch and learn as he takes us through the process and shows you how you can to do it too 😉😁💜.

Overdevest Nurseries is proud to partner exclusively with premier locally-owned garden centers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.
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This was the best detailed video that I have watched on pruning Panicle Hydrangeas. You explained all the reasoning behind each cut. Thank you so much. I would love to see a video of this same tree form Pannicle Hydrangea in peak bloom this year for comparison with this drastic prune.


Very helpful, & who doesn't love that Scottish burr!


did anyone else gasp when he started with the BIG cuts?? :-)


THANK YOU, Mr.Wilson ! You are a gifted gardener and talented instructor .


Great methodical video, which covers in detail the holistic aspects of pruning. This has certainly removed any doubts i had before watcjing this.
Thank you sir!


OUTSTANDING & INSTRUCTIVE! You are a gifted and natural teacher. I've been gardening for decades. There was never anything like this info available for beginning gardeners many years ago. I had to learn it slowly through the years of practice and error. Best thing was in-person extension service classes on pruning but they rarely covered the plants I wanted and often taught by book-smart academics with little real-life field experience. With YouTube it's possible to find everything you might need to know and re-watch as many times as necessary. Love this channel and share it with many.


The toughest part of growing any shrub to a standard is picking the correct leader shoot to keep. The first and second year is the challenge. I would love to see a video showing random young hydrangea plants and an explanation of which branches to keep and how to make those first cuts and train it up straight. If you de-mystify the process, it would encourage many to try it. Excellent pruning instruction here.


thank you so much. you have given me courage to prune my limelight tree!! I look forward to spring, and I will be sure to re-watch this video again!


I always love watching your videos 😍, you are amazing! Thank you for taking your precious time to show us how to prune those beautiful hydrangeas.


thank you! So informative and fun to watch


Best video by far on pruning Panicles..


best video about panicle hydrangeas i have seen on youtube so far. Thank you.


Definitely the best video on YouTube on pruning hydrangeas, thank you!


Thank you for the detailed information! It definitely is very very scary pruning back hard, but I totally trust you!


Great video. Ended up here because I have major issues with our hydrangea trees not able to support its own flowers. One big recommendation though: prune in the fall, not spring, if you have snow during the winters. Or at the minimum remove all dead flowers before 1st snow fall.


After watching other how to videos on gardening, David’s instructional makes it very easy to follow & understand the reasoning behind what he’s doing…. This has been extremely helpful‼️


He has a pleasant voice like David Attenborough.


Hope you can have a follow up video. We want to be convinced hard pruning does produces bigger brighter limelight!


Absolutely phenomenal! I just purchased this tree today because I was being fined by my homeowners association for not having landscaping in my front yard, and I was clueless on how to take care of it, until now. Thank you, Sir.


Absolutely the best Limelight pruning video that I have found. I have had my limelight for 10 plus years and have never pruned it. ugh it is 11-12 feet tall at this point. I plan to prune it this coming Spring. Thank you!
