How to turn a Shrub into a Tree - Update - Tree Form Hydrangea

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How to Make a Hydrangea Tree Form Update - Tree Form a Shrub - In this video I show a follow up to how to tree form a shrub. I use a Hydrangea paniculata as an example.

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Where have you been all my life!?!?!? I’ve never been able to find a such a clear, simple tutorial on training hydrangea into a tree. Thank you sir


Absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and making it feel reachable for anyone who wants to do this. 🤗🎉


Oh happy day, a video all about the tree form hydrangea! I am following your tree forming process with my own in my yard. I just happened to have a new limelight well-suited for this when you first released the first video. So glad to have your expertise, and simple approach, as a guide. Thanks, Jim!


I did this to my hydrangea bush this spring from your instructions last year. I love it. It’s just about to bloom. Thank you for all your inspiration!!


This was super helpful. I've got a Chinese snowball viburnum I'm trying to tree shape like the one Linda Vater has in her garden. I'm not trying to make it a single trunk, but limit it to three trunks and not let any more than three branches come off any of those higher up. It's coming along. It didn't bloom this year probably because of the pruning, but it's healthy. I just want to be able to plant shorter things under its canopy.


Thanks for the update and additional instruction on your Dr. Dirr hydrangea standard. I have been following closely as I love this type of creative gardening. It's very satisfying.


And you achieve this in practically one growing season? Great! I'm from Europe, Croatia, we don't have large selection of standard or tree shaped hydrangeas, didn't find anybody grow then, only few retailers selling them and they cost around 50$, on the other hand, you can find all kinds of shrub shaped paniculatas for 8, 9 or 10$. You saved me some money with this video, buy regular and grow standard by yourself and invest price difference in some other plants. Only don't know should I tnx you or Erin Impatient gardener where I saw you recently, didn't know for your channel before.


This is very helpful content. I am seeing a lot of limelights looking leftover and scraggly at the big box stores. They are certain to be on sale soon, and this inspired me to find one to save and take a shot at forming it into a tree. Thanks, Jim!


Very helpful tutorial. Love the shout out for Tardiva hydrangeas.


Thank you so much for this content. It is exactly what I have been wanting to figure out for my hydrangea. You are very good at clearly explaining steps in a process. 😀👍🌱🌸


Great explanation and demonstration! Thanks kindly!


I didn’t realise you could do that to hydrangea. I’ve got to try this 💚


Hey Jim, speaking of hydrangeas. I wanted to let you know my mountain hydrangea is healthy and blooming again. I always find it amazing how plants can heal. It got sunburned badly, we thought it was done. Now it’s getting afternoon sun and light shade most of the day. It’s happy as a clam. Thanks for all the hydrangea videos, they really have helped me.
I’m loving this tree formed hydrangeas. I hope to also do a free form when I get some shade.


Those flowers on it are so huge and beautiful kinda like the more open airyness between the blooms. Also your best bet for a more permeant stake is probably a T- post. That way its always there if you do need to tie it to it


Always so informative and I am learning so much!! Thanks, Jim!


How would this be handled with a shrub that is mature? I have a nine bark that is 3 years old and it's already over 6 ft tall. I'm thinking it might make a nice "tree" for my small yard. Maybe you can discuss in another video sometime. Thanks as always for the good gardening information you provide.


This step-by-step is so useful. Thank you. Also, I’m thinking a could use this technique with a Blue Chiffon rose of Sharon.


Thanks for sharing your process. You make everything look so easy! Love your channel. My Texas garden/ yard has pretty much burned this year in this 105+ temp. Bummer.


Such a helpful video! All of your videos are 👍 Question - will you reach a point that you won't trim it at all? Or will this always need some form of pruning to maintain? Thanks in advance!


I’d love to tree form my camellia japonica the leaders are about 5 ft tall and there are lots of lower branches so I’m not sure where to start. Would also love to tree form some osmanthus fragrans along the edge of a 4ft iron fence!
