This is Why People Love Classic WoW so Much

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This is why people LOVE Classic World of Warcraft so much. I know, many of you probably are wondering why exactly people prefer this grindy old version of WoW over its modern-day counterpart. After all, the modern game has better raids, mechanics, updated visuals, and a whole lot more. Yet despite this, so many in Azeroth prefer the slower paced, less graphically pleasing, and sometimes downright broken version of WoW. And why is this? Well, in this video, Nixxiom goes into some of the reasons why he feels that people love Classic WoW so much.

*(Use "NIXXIOM" for 20% off)*


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Very much unrelated, but I hope everyone (the Americans, that is) had an awesome Thanksgiving. Also, the misses and I went in for the second ultrasound yesterday and everything is going fantastic. Child is healthy, strong, and full of life. Thank you all for the prayers and support!


I bought a mid gaming laptop so I could feel authentic to the vanilla experience and I also became unemployed so I could add to the nostalgia.


NO FLYING - the most underrated classic feature


_" Nixxiom Bombadil is not real, he can't hurt me. "_

Nixxiom Bombadil: 0:11


Nixiom's hair.. I was not prepared


It is the hero's journey and not the chosen one. People are more social.

Also I shouted out loud when I got my first 6 slot bag drop. That drop felt so rewarding.


I hate when RPGS make you the "chosen one". Id much rather be a nobody on an adventure.


Levelling a Tauren Druid in the Barrens is such a charming & adventurous experience. The mobs are sometimes too difficult to kill alone, I ended up grouping three times today, and got thanked twice for buffing random travellers passing by.


Retail WoW is just so jittery and frantic.

In Vanilla, you could breathe and think in an encounter. I loved playing WoW to relax in Vanilla. You can't chill in Retail


Started again last night... i'm raw-dogging this by playing withOUT questies. It brings the emersion to a whole new level.


I called my warlock "Algaib" i did a shadowfang keep run and the whole party recognised me as the Lissan Algaib from Dune and prceeded to treat me like the messiah. I just dont have these types of social experiences in other games.


Today most games, specially MMOs are just a "rush to max level to start the actual game", and even after that, everything still feel too fast (Instant dungeon finding, loot everywhere, etc...). That's the reason I like vanilla, the game starts as soon as you create your character and you can enjoy the game while taking your time leveling.


As a kid I wanted WoW to more of a singleplayer game so that I didn't have to rely on other people to enjoy the game. Now I play Classic for the social xD


Other people's help matters. That creates Friendships and Strong Bonds between the players and the experience more immersive


I Play healer in wow for 16 years now. Yesterday i healed my First HC group. It feld like healing for the first time again. It was distressing but awesome and the interaction within the group was super nice. Something i haven't experienced in retail for years + I never had fomo once in Classic. I Love it <3


Grind Is meaningful, every little gear upgrade Feels great. Even if i can log in only for 30 minutes i am satisfied with few bars to my level, that one quest i just progressed, or even new flightpath i spend those 30 mins getting to.


I remember trying to make quesadillas while we were waiting for raids to fill up...I really miss pre 2010


Just a little story, I joined back up when classic wow hardcore was announced, I do not own the war within and unless I can make enough gold playing classic mists I don't intend to, but my hardcore character originally was my tried and true character JohnyKnack a typical rogue, and I started playing and while interacting with the community in Deathknell the way I always did in retail (Sarcastic and glib) I noticed I wasn't enjoying myself because what I was doing was boring. So I shifted my paradigm, I made a new character Santacloths who's sole goal is to give out free bags to people just starting out in Brill. I leveled my character up and collected all the linen I could as well as taking enchanting for wands (another popular thing) and when I hit the appropriate level I began making and giving away linen bags to people randomly. I'd hop on shout in general that I was in town, jump onto a mailbox and sooner or later people would come. I made over a hundred bags and leveled my tailoring to 120 on bags and bolts alone, and I leveled my enchanting by making robes and disenchanting them then using the essences I'd sometimes get to make wands. I leveled so I could farm the nearby undead for cloth and greens and I noticed something, despite not having left the undead starting area I was having more fun than I had in retail in years. I was not only doing stuff by myself but my actions as Santacloths were impacting the community around me, however small. I had people give me stacks of mats to make free bags for other players or hand over a few copper despite being told it was free, and that was when it clicked with me, exactly what Classic brings that retail had lost and can probably never get back, because honest question. If you were a level 4-5 in Brill in retail world of warcraft and someone offered you a free linen bag or a lesser magic wand, what would your reaction be?


Berfore watching:
the world, the nostalgia, the questing, the journey to 60, the coziness, the rpg elements that matter (ammunition for hunter, feeding the pet, drinking water/milk for mana), the well balanced, raw gameplay, the beautiful graphics (for those who love em) and the original UI, the actual need to group up and talk to people, helping each other out. Shortly: it’s the best MMORPG ever made.


When I log in into my original server with my original character, I still receive whisper of people that I leveled with in vanilla…
