CS C S002 Basics of Cryptography

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This is 2nd session of Cyber Security workshop arranged for coordinators. It was delivered by Prof. Bernard L. Menezes from IIT Bombay.

In this session he talked about Cryptography, Encryption/Decryption, Security Key Cryptography, Public Key Cryptography, Elementary Ciphers, Caesar Cipher, Elementary Transposition Cipher, Block vs Stream Ciphers, Building blocks of a product cipher, 3-Round SPN Network, S-Box and also answered some questions raised by participants.

The syntax used in the video title is as follows :
CS - Cyber Security
C - Coordinator Workshop
S002 - Session 2

This Cyber Security workshop for coordinators was conducted from May 17 to May 21, 2014, under T10KT project, sponsored by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India, New Delhi.

This workshop had been arranged for teachers who attended it at IIT Bombay as a coordinator from the respective Remote Centers to get trained by IIT Bombay faculty.
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