Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 1 // Summer 2021]

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Join me as I take a tour of SpaceX's Starbase facility with Elon Musk as our tour guide! This is part 1 of 3, so stay tuned, there's a lot more coming!

Need a rundown on Starship? I've got you covered with our "Complete Guide to Starship"

00:00 - Intro
02:02 - Conversation Starts
06:18 - High Bay
28:23.- Grid Fin
33:55 - Raptor V2
39:53 - HLS
40:45 - Stage Separation / Hot Gas Thrusters
48:00 - HLS (again)
51:44 - Outro


Extra special thanks to our Mission Directors! Peter Jordan, Nick Williams, Tyler Silcott, Mark Krieger, Roger Oldfield, PEDER HALSEIDE, Roberto Cordon, Benjamin Holland, Scott Maley, Robin Haerens, Rob Nunn, James and Becky Carter, Tim Engle, Taron Lexton, Chris Meleg, Corey Coddington, Chris LaClair, Peter F Maher, Steve Kemp, Vincent Argiro, Lars Nielsen (Denmark), IMAJIN, Nick , David A. Greer, Frans de Wet, Chad Souter, Sam Fisher, Arthur Carty, Lawrence Mansour, DLB, Chris Dibbs, David Glover, Max Haot, Ares Lovlyn, John Malkin, TTTA , Seth Pascale, Jared smith, Simon Pilkington, Héctor Ramos, Alejandro , Tomdmay , Mac Malkawi, Manalope , Tristan Edwards

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My father was an engineer and designer who specialized in developing manufacturing facilities and I grew up with an appreciation of how critical the optimization of manufacture is.


Elon mentioned on Twitter that he didn’t shower for five days prior to the interview for lack of time, the whole team being in surge mode for the first orbital launch. The fact that he granted you (and us) a 2 hours interview speaks volume to the esteem he holds you in. Congratulation to you and your team Tim!


You gotta love it when the interviewer is actually knowledgeable on the topic so you can have awesome moments like this: 45:00


Wonderful video. For me personally, the best learning moment was at 17:30 when Elon said “Possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist.” That is truly wonderful advice, if you chose to take it as such and not a simple statement.


It’s crazy how Tim went from asking only one question to Elon at a conference and tweeting him along with many other journalists to actually touring all of Starbase with Elon. Tim has gone very far in his career and will go even farther!


“Possibly, the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize something that should not exist “ Gotta love this man.


47:49 Elon thinks and concurs on Tims improvement suggestion.

Incredible moment, credit to Tim for such in depth knowledge of these rockets.


I love how comfortable his employees seem to be around Elon. A lot of places there is tension anytime the big boss is walking around.


Can we just appreciate how absolutely insane it is that Tim pulled this off?? Hats off to you & the entire team - seeing you tour Starbase with its creator is seriously inspirational.


I can’t imagine any mainstream media personality having this level of knowledge to engage Elon in such conversation. Great job Tim.


47:27 The moment that Elon refers to in the new tour video. Great job Tim, love your work and thanks for actively improving the starship. :)


A few hundred years from now, kids in school will be learning in their history classes about Elon Musk like we learned about the Wright Brothers. We are going through a special time right now with this brilliant man.


This is why you need a technical ceo for a tech heavy company. He is clearly deeply knowledgeable about the subject and the trade-offs of the decisions being made. Very impressive.


Love how he can just talk to Elon like a friend and not some corporate billionaire. Amazing interview!


What I find fascinating as I rewatch this interview is the workers don’t seem Aw-struck or surprised to see Elon out on the tarmac. He obviously is out there working with his team every day and seeing him is a normal day-to-day thing. Leading by example.


I expected an hour of interview to be a slog. I am positively surprised. there's literally no boring filler, no bullshit. This man knows what he's talking about. the time just flies.


I really like the straightforward, non-nonsense conversation. Elon not trying to gloss over mistakes, Tim not doing slick editing, just honest questions and answers. Walking around the site makes everything that much more real. Well done.


This is the kind of access an interviewer can get when they're asking genuine questions, in good faith and with genuine interest - not like the majority of the scoop-hunting or 'gotcha' press, mining for clickbait. Brilliant job Tim, one of the best and most enlightening pieces of SpaceX media to date.


It’s funny because for as long as I can remember, visiting factories or seeing them on tv, I’ve always been in awe of the manufacturing systems that make it all happen. Under appreciated to say the least


Absolutely phenomenal video! I was expecting it to be really good to go on the tour but I love the conversations you guys had so much better than seeing every little thing. Is there a part two or three video yet? Never mind I see it. I just looked into description and didn't see them
