How to Write a Memoir for Beginners [12-Step Blueprint from a Writing Coach]

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Today we're covering how to write a memoir for beginners, using my 12-step blueprint. If you have a true story to tell - and you're wondering what to do next - you've come to the right place.

In the 12-step blueprint, I first share how to decide on the slice of life you want to tell. A memoir needs to focus on a particular slice of life - not a chronological retelling of every major event that's happened to you - so I share three different ways you can choose to focus your story.

Next up, we cover how to clarify your purpose in writing your memoir. Are you writing for yourself, for your family, or for a wider audience? Clarifying your purpose can help you make decisions about how much of your story to include, how many rewrites you want to do, how much time and money you want to invest in this project, and more.

From there, I discuss step-by-step how to make a story list; how to structure the book; some tips as you begin writing, and a sequence for rewriting and getting feedback from others.

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Slice of Life (0:45)
2. Purpose (2:08)
3. Story List (3:20)
4. Structure (4:14)
5. Plug Stories into Structure (7:49)
6. Start Writing Stories (9:02)
7. Print & Read the Whole Manuscript (11:31)
8. Full Edit (13:17)
9. Feedback from Beta Readers (13:56)
10. Feedback from Professional Editor (17:17)
11. Rewrite from Feedback (19:00)
12. Books is Ready(19:16)


I'm a college writing teacher who's considering assigning a memoir to my students this fall, and looking for more "readings" for them to help with the assignment. This is going on the list of things for them to watch! Thank you!!


I have been searching for some time now on how to actually start writing this book idea I've had in my head for a few years now. I had envisioned writing it as a self help book but then I felt deeply that as a Christian, the Lord wanted me to write it more like an inspirational book to help others. Thanks again for these steps as I am a logical and analytical learner who needs steps to follow. Thank you so very much for your brilliant step by step outline.


I watched your video and feel encouraged to begin this process.


Thanks... You explain it so well... Make it sound really simple in steps...


A pediatric nephrologist and a liver transplant surgeon have both asked me to write a book. A mom’s perspective of 6 kidney transplants, between my three kids over 35 years and three hospitals, one waiting for a liver kidney, one who is skitzo due to meds, I was married to a sociopath. The surgeon we recently met was jaw dropped of who and what I knew, told me there’s no one! that has my history of transplant and experience as a mom. There are no books I don’t know if I can do this. A lot to relive.


Thank you for the advice. I found this very useful. My strongest ability is the 'show don't tell' part in step 6 because I am very good at expressing myself through my sensory modalities. Interestingly we actually have eight senses instead of only the traditional five if you include body awareness (proprioception), movement (vestibular) and internal organs (enteroception). I have already produced a 37000 word draft based on my sensory experiences. I will now organize my draft using these 12 steps. Thanks again. Fantastic work in this video.


Wow, Brooke, this is the help I need. A lot of thoughts have been running through my mind but this helps me nail it down. I feel like I know how to write, but who I'm writing to, the purpose of the story, and how to draw my reader into the story. That is where I need direction. Thanks for helping...


Thank you for this information. It will help my process.


I am glad I found your video even if it a year old. I am really wanting to write a memoir. I have always been told that I should write a book and share life experiences but never really knew where to start until now. Thank you, so much for posting this video.


Even though this video is two years old, it's content for me is still quite useful. Thanks 🤗 - Missouri future author


My older sister was a confidence destroyer.


Thank you so much for this 🙏🏼 I subscribed right away but I’m sorry to see you’ve stopped making videos. I’m going to watch what you’ve published and check out your website.


Thank you for the step 12 process. It's very informative and takes some of the fear out of beginning.


Very practical and interesting video. Many Thanks


Wow, you're so descriptive! Hand's down, best memoir blueprint I've ever seen. 10/10


This is an excellent breakdown that actually got me excited about seeing this progress.


Thanks so much. I’m just starting to write my memoir. Your teachings are very helpful. Thank you. ✍️♥️


Thank you, it helps through my projects at school


This was useful for my G9 class! Thanks!
