How to Write a Hook for Your Memoir

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Are you having a hard time explaining what your memoir is about? You are not alone! Your memoir is packed full of interesting stories and key moments from your life. Telling someone about it is really hard unless you work on your “hook”. I’ll show you how with plenty of examples.

Watch and Enjoy!

Free resources for your memoir-writing journey:

Key Moments in this Episode
0:50 The most important thing you can do as you prepare to write and publish your memoir
3:15 Hook examples from the New York Times Best Seller list
7:20 My real life examples of memoir hooks
9:50 Hook summary

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This is the best video on hook. I wrote a memoir that includes a lot of things that happened to me, but NOW you just gave me permission to include just the one or two things that are central to the book. I had been struggling with the one liner, and you just solved my problem. So here’s my quick attempt after watching this video: After an identity crisis and surprise break up with her boyfriend of 8 years, a woman packs up her things and travels off grid around the world. THANK


I am writing a memoir about my journey with my Golden retriever, Prada helped me find my purpose. Her special time as a mom, a cancer survivor and a therapy dog and the difference we made together in the world.


Ok...I so needed that video today! I've been working on my hook since watching the video this morning and here's what I have thus far: A story about how God called me out of Church and into a deeper intimacy and relationship with Him. Still working on it but this video helped me get this far!!😉


Excellent Kelly. Here is mine:
The author recalls her identity as a woman on a spiritual quest and how her identity morphs into something wholly other when she becomes the mother of twins with disabilities.


I Choose, my journey to finding my confidence and and living my life


Another great encouraging video Kelly! I read The Glass Castle years ago and loved it.. it was actually what inspired me to start writting my memior.

My story takes place in Los Angeels (Hollywood) during the 1980s where I grew up in the cult "Scientology".

I'll be getting in contact with your team here very soon!


Youngest sibling reveals the events in childhood that led him on a solo, spiritual journey. Anyhooch, thank you for a very insightful video! One of your talented editors recently worked on my memoir. I’m striving to get it back to her within the month to begin the initial line edit. Very excited!


Finally, I love your delivery. smooth, like a motivational speaker I'm going to watch all your videos ... 100%


Mahalo, Kelly! Thanks for giving 3 examples of hooks for your own memoir. I'm having trouble honing in on that one theme: 1) Vague: the author recalls how she repeatedly and inevitably prevails in ultra-endurance sports and what that taught her about herself. Or 2) More specific, but does not light me up: the author recounts where the divine feminine meets the divine masculine in her life, enabling her not only to pursue her dreams but also to shatter the barriers of conventional gender roles, and ultimately, discover the harmonious balance within herself OR 3) The author shares stories of unlocking the limitless potential within the mind, body, and spirit through ultra-endurance sports. It's a transformative journey of self-discovery, where self-love becomes the cornerstone of empowerment, revealing that the connection to a divine source within us makes the extraordinary not just possible but inevitable.


Youre really good at hitting the nail on the head for new writers. 🙌🏾


Your video is helping me give some perspective on how to carry on with my memoir. Thanks for sharing your insights.


My book is about my journey in love, through five relationships stories and what I learned from those experiences: never give up in love.


Thanks Kelly. Another great nugget of advice.


Writing an abusive childhood, ward of the State New York at ten (Tom Sawyer/Copperfield-ish), second generation Bronx American (both sides), coming of age (to 18-20 years old), post WWII memoir. Started twelve years ago in various formats: historical narrative, biographical sketches, third person short story fiction mostly to divert attention, of my personal trauma, into an authorial omniscient character nobody would recognize as me. Now, finally, found the courage, warts and all, of voice to script a vivid and continuous American Dream storyline . . . and could use some editorial feedback.


Thank you Kelly, this has been very helpful as my title and hook keeps changing. latest title, "Walking Into the Light Without sight; A New Vision for What Is Possible". with the hook being...A woman shares her experiences in opening the door to the spirit world, and how we all have the ability to make this connection.


Hi Kelly! I love your videos and would also love to read your memoir!

I am working with a KN coach at the moment and would really appreciate your thoughts on my hook (I am also part of the Authorpreneur community but finding time zones difficult to join the Q&A live).

My book focuses on the story of my burnout and my journey to recovery to find purpose in my life. But it also shows how my profession, marketing, fuels what was at the core of my burnout and how the transformation needed in marketing mirrors my own.

So my working title and hook are :

« Aligning to purpose »
A marketing executive’s story of recovering from burnout and bringing meaning back to her profession.

I would love to know your thoughts! 🙏


Kelly, this is very informative. Thank you. I have done first or second draft of my memoir that, for now, I named, (My Odyssey, from Fantasy to Reality). At this point I would like to get help. I am not a writer, I am a painter but love to write, and, also, although I have been in the US close to 60 years, I still talk with an accent and when I speak I have to think about every word I say. I write somewhat better than I speak. So how do I go about getting coaching from your group, especially on content, to proceed with, or finish my memoir?


Building a relationship with my dead celebrity mother healed my childhood trauma.


I have a specific time line 22 years young, locked up and growing up at the same time in the only womens jail in Los Angeles.


Thank you for this, Kelly! It was so great to meet you and learn from you in Tampa last weekend! QUESTION: How might this be different for a Teaching Memoir?
