Doctors Living with Narcolepsy

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These three doctors are all living with narcolepsy, a chronic neurological condition that is often misunderstood by the public and the media. From diagnosis and treatment to med school and practicing medicine, these amazing individuals open up about their experiences wearing the hats of both physician and patient.

We had a LOT of questions for our doctors with narcolepsy, and we're so grateful for their candid responses and inspiring reflections on:

- Becoming a doctor: diagnosis, med school, and turning points
- Being a doctor: management tips, sharing their diagnosis with co-workers and patients
- Raising awareness of narcolepsy, sleep disorders and sleep health
- Being a doctor during COVID-19
- Advice for future doctors with narcolepsy

This video features:
- Marleny Macario, MD
- Lindsay McCullough, MD
- Luis E. Ortiz, MD

ABOUT THIS VIDEO SERIES: This is Part I of a series of three videos featuring healthcare professionals living with narcolepsy created by Project Sleep. During the unprecedented global pandemic of 2020, Project Sleep is proud to highlight the stories of healthcare heroes who are also living with narcolepsy, a chronic and often invisible neurological condition impacting 1 in 2,000 people worldwide.

Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned for Part III coming soon!

Published: August 14, 2020
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Im in school for rt and 90% sure i have narcolepsy. Ive suspected it for 8 years. my professors and students have im sure percieved me as lazy, but i cant control it. I have cataplexy daily, from clinical rotations to lectures. So its nice to hear people in the medical professionals are successful that also have it


Hi everyone . Thank you for these video . I’m so happy to view these . I’m also a doctor with narcolepsy with cataplexy . I first had my symptoms when I was 14 . It was a really struggle then. I made my way through medicine with the help of provigil. Residency in pediatrics was a struggle . Telling my diagnosis to my co residents made them understand me easier . Right now, I am a pediatric consultant in a government hospital here in the Philippines . I have 2 beautiful children and a loving husband who understands my condition . I thank Him for helping me making it through my condition . I can do my job now just by taking my coffee break and y afternoon nap.


The baggage is real. Thank you for this video. While studying for STEP1 I applied for accommodations and as I was writing out my request I started to broadcast my thoughts and believe that the committee reading this would judge and doubt my ability to be a doctor. But, I just finished my surgery rotation full of 12-14h days and 26h call shifts and I am so proud. It's been a struggle, but I still thrived and proved to myself that I actually can do this.


That baggage that he talks about is so true! I’ve had symptoms for narcolepsy since I was 11 but didn’t get diagnosed until I was 17. And with my life being super out of control within those years has caused me to develop an eating disorder to feel more in control of my life from 17-22 yrs old! And these last few months I’ve gotten help from a great therapist and dietician that both specialize in eating disorders. I wish I could give old me a hug and I wish I didn’t blame myself for what happened in my life. I used to think “if I didn’t have narcolepsy I could’ve been really successful” because I was super ambitious and was always in advanced classes! But my life didn’t go as planned and I ended up graduating high school with a 2.8 gpa with no special medals or tassels. But I have this life and realized I can’t change the past for what’s happened to me so why sabotage my future? I now know what I want to do with my life! I want to major in public and community health and possibly become a psychiatric physician assistant! So Im happy I found this video from looking up med students and doctors with narcolepsy! Thanks so much for this video it means a lot!


Thank you! This lifted me up & I appreciate the vunerability.


Bravo! This is an excellent video. We all head into our careers hoping to be the top achiever and hiding our imperfections. Isn’t it so freeing so let people know who we really are and what we need? Three cheers for an authentic life!


I have to assume these folks have a less extreme case than I do or have gotten very lucky. I've been fired from almost every job I had because managers or co-workers would notice my lapses of consciousness and then I would have to divulge my secret and would be terminated shortly thereafter. I tried very hard to do well in life but long hours are needed to do well and I would always eventually fall short. So, kudos to these folks. I'm just happy I didn't kill myself.


Truly impacting video! I'm so unbelievably grateful to you guys for sharing your stories and to Project Sleep for being your microphone! I have always wondered if there even existed doctors with narcolepsy so it's so great to know that there are and that its possible. The journey alone to becoming a doctor is demanding in itself, let alone all the subsequent work you do. I was genuinely inspired by your stories because it makes me feel like I can actually do anything! Sometimes we place limits on ourselves simply because we tell ourselves we won't be able to do it...but in reality it's narcolepsy that's limiting us. We are limiting ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing your experience! ❤👏


Thank you for this video and being vulnerable and creating awareness!


I'm Maria, from Brasil, ICU specialist type 1 narcolepsy. Hello guys!


This is great! I am a Nursing student getting diagnosed at this moment


That's awesome, I would have never thought someone with narcolepsy could succeed as a medical doctor. And I too had a misconception about basically what narcolepsy is until now.


That’s fantastic that these doctors actually are able to use their own experiences to help others with similar problems!


I have had this symptoms for like 5 years now. People in my country don't even know about it. It's hard . You try to hide it untill it embarrasses you not easy, when people judge you when deep down you know you can't control this. I struggle accepting it to be honest. I won't deny the fact that it is a neurological disorder but believe me or not it is also spiritual. I am a seer, I can see the spiritual realm, and sometimes when the knowledge of freedom I received from Jesus grows in me it sometimes goes away not by fighting it but by believing that you are set free. Mind you I don't judge those of you who are not spiritual. Either way remain positive, don't be hard on yourself, stay strong, we shall


This has given me so much hope. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤


So grateful to see this, i cant wait to Have offical diagnose. I Have cataplexy


I LOVE this Julie! As always, forme, it's so healthy to hear real-life stories because they help reduce the feelings of "suffering in silence". However, it's even more powerful to be reminded that a narcolepsy diagnosis isn't the end of a productive, inspiring life, it can be the beginning.


I have has narcolepsy for 20 yrs. and have been a nurse for 11 yrs. Traditional nursing jobs do not allow for naps. I tell no one about my diagnosis for fear of lack of understanding and dismissal.


Im a Narco and yeah just live and do what ever you want dont let it hold you back


I want to finish college & go to school to become a orthodontist but narcolepsy takes advantage of me😩
