How Napoleon Subverted the Revolution - Animated Early Modern History

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Discover the Intriguing Journey of Napoleon Bonaparte: From Artillery Officer to Emperor. Dive into the captivating tale of Napoleon Bonaparte's ascent from a young artillery officer to the Emperor of France. Unravel how this pivotal figure navigated the chaos of the French Revolution, initially supporting it fervently but eventually leveraging it for his own ambitions. In this video, explore Napoleon's early political maneuvers, starting with his influential pamphlet, "Le Souper de Beaucaire," and his rise through connections in the Revolutionary government. Witness his heroic feats on the battlefield, shaping his reputation and propelling him toward seizing power amid political turmoil. Experience the defining moments, from his daring suppression of riots in the 13 Vendémiaire to the strategic moves that led to the fall of the Directory and the rise of the Consulate, ultimately establishing him as the First Consul of France. Follow his trajectory as he transformed a republic into a one-man dictatorship, setting the stage for his eventual crowning as Emperor. Join us on this historical journey as we delve into how Napoleon Bonaparte, once an advocate for the Revolution's ideals, shifted the course of history to become an absolute monarch, subverting the very principles he once championed. Discover the intricate narrative of Napoleon's rise, intricately intertwined with the tumultuous landscape of the French Revolution.

Script: Jonathan Woody
Illustrations: Vadym Berkutenko

00:00 Intro
02:08 Napoleon’s Revolutionary Pamphlet and Early Rise
06:38 The 13 Vendémiaire - Napoleon Crushes a Royalist Counter-Revolution
09:33 The Coup of 18 Brumaire - Napoleon Comes to Power
12:24 Aftermath of the Coup

#Documentary #Napoleon #Revolution
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Napoleon Bonaparte: "They accuse me of usurping the French crown. That is not true. I found it laying in the gutter, picked it up with the tip of my sword, and the French people placed it on my head"


Buonaparte in italian means a good part, and there is a joke about his name that will not be understood. A guy asks to a tourist guide "Is Napoleon buried here?" And he answers "not entirely, just a good part (Buonaparte)". Ok, I'll laugh alone


*In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganised into the first French Empire, for a safe and secure society!*


I hope that, soon or later, this video will be the start of a new serie about Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars.


Hopefully this is a teaser for a continuation of the Napoleonic wars series 🙏


"So, two travellers walk into a bar...". - Napoleon, starting his political career.


Napoelon being an Ottoman soldier/general is something I cant imagine


Music from Napoleon Total War never disappoint. Literally masterpiece!


Little correction. He refused to serve in Vendée, he didnt want to fight a civil war


“Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.”
― Napoleon Bonaparte


I’m by no means an expert and I love any form of media that gives attention to this fascinating time period, but here are some mistakes I found in the video:

5:45 It is theorized that Saliceti was involved in the imprisonment of Napoleon, but this is far from certain.

6:18 Napoleon never went to the Vendée, pleading poor health.

7:40 I would by no means say the army of Italy was underperforming considering their conditions. Italy was seen as a secondary stage of the war and the army performed well under officers like André Masséna, given what they had to work with.

8:50 The war of the second coalition had not yet started when Napoleon set off for Egypt, instead it began when he was in Egypt.

10:00 Napoleon was not the instigator of the Brumair coup, instead he was approached very late in the process. Sieyes figured that they needed military force (which he called a sword) to carry out the coup, but they omitted Napoleon for as long as possible, because they wanted a general with less political ambition. Only after the planned sword unexpectedly died, Napoleon was chosen to be the sword. Realizing his importance within the plot, he soon gathered more power for himself.

12:30 Sieyes was never consul. Instead the second consul was Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès.


I have been teaching about him in my college courses for over 20 years. I recorded a 10 minute summary over a week ago on his life. He is a complex person. At points more of a child of the enlightenment and at others times a dictator like figure. He had a very dramatic life, one that you don't need to embellish to make a great movie about. I will be curious to see how the movie portrays him.


Napoleon Bonaparte: Ottoman General. Now there's an alternate history premise I'd like to see played with in fiction a bit more.


Thierry Lentz and Jean Tulard demonstrated that the Coup d'État du 18 Brumaire was not at the initiative of Napoleon, but of Sieyes. They also demonstrated that it was mostly a parliamentary coup, which was not unusual during the first republic. Actually, Napoleon's role was supposed to be secondary, but he lost his cool and tried to intervene in the lower house when Lucien was not ready and that lead to his proeminence.


Far from subverting the revolution, Bonaparte rescued it from the tyranny and chaos of Robespierre and the mob.The fact that not only the French legal system but those of many European countries still rest on the Code Napoleon is testament to the stability he ushered in compared to the utter mayhem created by Robespierre and other revolutionary madmen.


In the Abel Gance silent film from 1927, Napoleon is shown as a young student pronouncing his name “Na- pie-o-nay, ” which prompts a teacher to mock him, calling him “paille au nez” - French for straw in the nose. Later in the film, some of his former school mates still greeted him with the old paille au nez nickname.


Napoleon was like Marius, Caesar and Augustus crammed into one person


I have always been a bit fuzzy on how exactly he rose to the position of Emperor, this was awesome, and highly educational, thank you!


Napoleon didn’t subvert the Revolution but he rather synthesized the new and old order.


I love the fact that napoleon is seen as an oppressive tyrant in his time. Even though unlike other monarchs of the time, one could be common and advance themselves through merit other than birth right in napoleons france.
