Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Introduction (Ep. 00)

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Welcome to our Christian apologetics show - Cave To The Cross Apologetics
Tony & Patrick take a book on philosophy, theology, or similar topic and break it down. They do the heavy lifting and cover the subject in a way that is easily digestible for those who might feel intimidated about the subject matter but still want to learn.
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Tony & Patrick take a book on philosophy, theology, or similar topic and break it down. They do the heavy lifting and cover the subject in a way that is easily digestible for those who might feel intimidated about the subject matter but still want to learn.
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Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Introduction (Ep. 00)
Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Scott Christensen Interview Redux
Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Ep. 01 - Keeping Faith In An Age Of Reason - Introduction - Part 1
Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Lydia McGrew Interview Redux
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The Biblical View Of Compatibilism - Interview
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The Columbo Tactic Is Used Against Greg Koukl!
The Vindication Of Reformed Theology In Apologetics
Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Ep. 02 - Keeping Faith In An Age Of Reason - Introduction - Part 2
How Does Theology And Philosophy Play A Role In Apologetics?
God Is The Primary Cause Of All Things But Uses Secondary Means - Interview
What were the names of the Apostles? - Bible Contradiction Explained!
Reformed Apologetics - Highlighting Grounding In Christianity
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Overview Of The 4 Types Of Apologetics
Why You Should Have Confidence in the Direct and Indirect Evidence for Christianity
Who named Beersheba? - Bible Contradiction Explained!