Cave To The Cross Apologetics - Redux - Bob Murphy Interview

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The final two weeks of the year will be a year-end roundup of the book Patrick has read and starting the first Monday of the year we'll be starting John Frame's Book "Apologetics - A Justification Of Christian Belief".

Today we revisit episodes 47 & 48 with Dr. Bob Murphy @BobMurphyAncap. This was an honor for me to have a conversation to the man who inspired me to learn more about economics for the glory of God. Dr. Murphy is a brilliant Austrian economist and Christian whose contributions and insights into economics is one of the best out there today.

In this first part of the interview, Dr. Murphy talks about what economics is and why Christians should care. We also discuss the fact that the Christian worldview accounts for economic theories. We also talk about the application of Austrian Economic theory, a theory based on presuppositional claims, when it comes to showing that slavery is not only immoral but a terrible economic decision.

In this second part of the interview, Dr. Murphy talks about where economic truth derives from. If the Fall never occurred would economic principles still stand? Then we talk about some of the weird stances people can have when applying economic principles to other parts of their lives.

Dr. Murphy and Patrick have a discussion on the similarities Austrian Economics has with Presuppositional Apologetics. Dr. Murphy gives some advice to Christians from an economic standpoint & encourages other Christians to learn economics as part of God's ordered universe.

Links To Dr. Murphy

Dr. Murphy's Podcasts:

Dr. Murphy's Books

- The Primal Prescription: Surviving The "Sick Care" Sinkhole

- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal

- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism

- Chaos Theory

- The Three Lads and the Lizard King (Fiction)

- How Privatized Banking Really Works: Integrating Austrian Economics with the Infinite Banking Concept

- The Case for IBC
(Amazon Link - The Case for IBC)

- Study Guide to Man, Economy, and State

- Human Action Study Guide

- Study Guide to the Theory of Money and Credit

Other books mentioned in this episode:

- Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market by Murray Rothbard

- Human Action by Ludwig von Mises

- The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises
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#BobMurphy #economics #AustrianEconomics #libertarian

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