How to do the Restoration Loop | MOST DETAILED GUIDE | + Craft OP Potions and OP Items | Skyrim 2022

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If you are looking for The Most Detailed, step-by-step guide on how to do the Restoration loop, then you are in the right place.

Here, you will also see how I craft OP Enchanting Potion and OP Smithing Potion - as well as how I craft OTHER OP ITEMS which I will then use to LEVEL UP ALL my Skills to Level 100 - super fast.

UPDATE: How to do the Restoration Loop in 2024 👇

Link on how to get the Alchemy skill to Level 50 -
How to Level up Alchemy Skill Super fast -

00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Preparation
01:08 - Enchanting Items
01:39 - Equip Enchanted Items
01:55 - Doing the Resto Loop
04:25 - Finally - The OP Fortify Restoration Potion
04:55 - Crafting Additional OP Potions
05:27 - OP Enchanting Potion
05:38 - OP Smithing Potion
05:50 - OP Speech Potion
06:10 - All of our OP Potions
06:34 - Crafting items for super fast Level UP
06:42 - Items Preparation
07:03 - OP level Enchantments
07:25 - All of our OP Items
08:02 - Conclusion

🎵 Song: Dungeons And Dragons
🎧 Artist: Alexander Nakarada

Please don't mind the tags:
Restoration Loop
Resto Loop
How to do the Restoration loop
How to do the Resto Loop
Skyrim Resto loop guide
Skyrim Restoration Loop Guide
Skyrim Resto loop tutorial
Skyrim Restoration Loop tutorial
Tutorial on how to do the Restoration loop
Resto Loop Step by Step
Restoration Loop Ultimate Guide
Restoration Loop Ultimate Tutorial
Tips for Restoration Loops
Tips for Resto loop
Guide for Restoration Loop
Guide for Resto loop
OP Restoration Potion
OP Fortify Restoration Potion
OP Resto Potion
OP Enchanting Potion
OP Fortify Enchanting Potion
OP Smithing Potion
OP Fortify Smithing Potion
How to Craft Fortify Restoration Potion
How to Craft Fortify Enchanting Potion
How to Craft Fortify Smithing Potion
How to Craft OP Fortify Destruction
How to Enchant OP Fortify Destruction
How to Craft OP Fortify Restoration
How to Enchant OP Fortify Restoration
How to Craft OP Fortify Alteration
How to Enchant OP Fortify Alteration
How to Craft OP Fortify Conjuration
How to Enchant OP Fortify Conjuration
How to Craft OP Fortify Illusion
How to Enchant OP Fortify Illusion
How to Craft OP Fortify Magicka
How to Enchant OP Fortify Magicka
Skyrim Alchemy Enchanting Loop
Skyrim Restoration Glitch
Skyrim: Fortify Restoration Glitch SIMPLIFIED
Рекомендации по теме

I've made an update video on How to do the Resto Loop Glitch (2024)

Here's the link on how to get the Alchemy skill to Level 50
Almost everyone in the comments seems to be having the same question so I'll address them right here.
Before I did this I made sure that the following conditions are met. So, I recommend you to do the same.

1. This glitch that you see here was done on Skyrim Special Edition 1.5.97. So if you try this on other versions of the game, I can't guarantee that everything you see here will work exactly the same way in your game too.
2. I didn't install any mods or patches (including USSEP) at all when I did this. So, if you also want to try this, then I recommend you to do this on the base game itself.
3. I'm playing on PC. So, other platforms that You might be playing on, might alter or affect this glitch.
4. Before reaching this point 01:55, save the game first because you have to try to complete this in one go, till you have crafted and enchanted all your items and gears. If you happen to save the game after doing the loop, and then load from that point to craft and enchant the items and gears, the effects will not last permanently.

So make sure beforehand that the above conditions are met before trying the guide.

Have fun guys. Thank you so much for all your comments and feedback. I really appreciate it. If you have any other concerns then please mention them too. I'll try to address them all, as much as I possibly can. And Thanks again for watching.


Thank you for showing a very simple tutorial on a glitch many people believe to no longer work. Did it last night on xbox and it works perfectly.


Finally, a modern non-confusing guide of the Restoration Glitch, most tutorials are so old that people just assume it was patched lol, but I recently played the game and tried it and it definitely works, though I'm kind of forgetful, I'll keep it for all the times I need to use it in the future, thanks.


Brilliant video. Even though I already knew how to do this glitch correctly, this was a great clean tutorial that showed and explained everything very clearly. Just a tip...after doing the resto loop, when you then craft an OP enchanting potion, drink that and then with that effect on you, enchant a ring with alchemy! Then you never have to do the resto glitch again, and you can equip your OP alchemy ring whenever you want to make insane potions lmfao.

Edit: For anyone losing the high stats after some time, make sure before you're taking a super-highstat enchanting potion before you enchant anything or else the % will revert to a low %.


Spent two hours on the fandom page with its horrendous guidance. Thanks so much for a clear and precise guide. It’s not just the only one that makes some semblance of sense, but surpasses that exceptionally. Not having voice was also such a relief, not only did it allow it to go 2x faster, but you were a lot clearer where people who would speak were fumbling around with their words. Not just the best guide on YouTube, but on the internet itself. Thanks :)


21 gun Salute to You, your are the only one that mentioned enchanting the gear with alchemy. Very thorough job. Clear and to the point.💯


You can also use a Falmer helmet and a circlet to add an extra item for Fortify Alchemy. If you have 20 Abecean Longfin, 20 Cyrodilic Spadetail, 20 Salt and 20 Snowberries you can do the glitch and then immediately make 20 Fortify Enchanting potions when your Alchemy is at full power. This will allow you to enchant armor when every you want and if you wait until your Enchanting is 100, you can put two effects on your armor.

My Personal set up for Enchanting after I make the Enchanting potions and start enchanting my armor:

Armor - Fortify Health, Health Regeneration
Boots - Fortify Carry, Fortify Sneak
Gauntlets - Fortify Smithing (see below), Fortify Pickpocket
Helmet - Fortify Magic, Fortify Lock picking
Necklace - Stamina Regeneration, Resist magic
Ring - Magic Regeneration, Fortify Block
Extra Ring - Fortify Alchemy

Note - Fortify Smithing will make any weapon improve to an insane amount. One hit one kill
- Never Fortify Stamina. If you take your armor off you will die. You will need to take armor off for the thieves guild quests.
- Selling high value enchanted rings will bring you to 100 very quick
- Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm sells the rings of, Magic Resist, Health Regeneration, Stamina Regeneration and Magica Regeneration. Just use the merchant glitch to reload new inventory.
- Both Abecean Longfin and Cyrodilic Spadetai can be found in Riften. Check the Barrels around town and swim just outside the city gates.


I cannot thank you enough. After a stroke, I couldn't remember how to do this and the guides only confused me further. I've subscribed now. So very appreciated.


For anyone still struggling with this your armor has to have the same variable to everything you wear for this glitch from the alchemy buff


This was super straight forward and direct to the point. This was super helpful because no matter how much people tried to explain this to me, I just didn't understand it but this was really helpful


It still works in 2023!!
It was my first time ever doing this glitch, thank you very much for posting. At first I couldn't get it to work but I hadn't actually put any perks into my Alchemy tree. Once I got the perks listed in the video and a decent enchanting perk for the fortify alchemy I was able to pull it off easily. Thanks again!


For the people saying this does not work anymore, or are having issues with the %. Make sure you have the full level of alchemy required stated at the start of the vid. I made the same mistake too rushing through the vid. 👍


I'm amazed that a) I went years without knowing how this was done and b) that it can still be done


The music is reminding me why I loved Skyrim. Great Video


Okay now I remember how to do it. I gotta download this video. Because i ain't play Skyrim in so long, then I went back to play it and was wondering why the glitch don't work. I didn't have my alchemy as high as I needed. This video put it all back into perspective for me.


Thanks a lot for not showing an intro and getting right to the point. Good Video with simple music and stepwise text messages.


If you change your standing stone from The Warrior to The Thief, your alchemy will level faster too!


Insanely underrated video this had everything and was really easy to follow along with ty so much :D


I'm watching this with a serious face like I havent done this loop a thousand times on my million skyrim playthroughs! Good video!!!!


Great guide, just did it in PS4 version of the game. The equipment reverted back to saying 8% potion improvement in the description after I would fast travel when I was done the loop, but when I create potions with them, they are indeed still giving me the insane high numbers, not the 8% from the item description.
