Antique Dented Oiler - Perfect Restoration

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In this video i'm restoring an antique dented oiler.

My friend found this oiler in the steel waste at the recycling station. I really liked the unique design of it and I bought it from him for $5. It almost had no rust, but it was very dirty and had a lot of dents. The tricky part of this restoration was definitely the removing of all the dents in the can. I want to say thank you to my friend who helped me with this and to his boss, who allowed him to use the tools from his work place. I'm very happy how it turned out and I really like the new look of the oiler. I'll keep this oiler in my shop and I'm going to use it from now on.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters and specially to:

Paulina Zamora
Stephan Becker
sunniva thingstad
SA Graver
Joel Miller
Joan Casanovas
Allan Mckenzie
Dawson Mertz
Julie Smith
Lucy Lole
Pascal Bertossa
Ian Hutchinson
Harrison Hughes
Joel Margolis
Llewellyn Schubert
Mark Anderson
Sasan Hezarkhani
Thibaut Hiegel
Brian Boots


00:00 preview
00:22 disassembling
01:11 showing all the parts
01:27 cleaning the parts with the parts washer
01:59 cleaning the parts with warm water and Cif
02:21 showing the three new appeared parts
02:28 removing the paint with paint stripper
02:42 removing the rust on the inside with MC-51
03:00 removing the rust on the inside with small grinding stones
03:39 removing all the dents
04:47 using filler for the welding marks
05:02 cleaning up the rest of the can
06:02 restoring the cover
06:20 masking the parts before painting
06:48 applying two component primer
06:58 wet sanding with water
07:12 applying two component green coat (RAL 6005 moss green)
07:29 restoring the tube
08:35 restoring the pump shaft
09:17 restoring the spring
09:35 making a new cork gasket
09:52 making a new felt gasket
10:05 replacing the o-ring
10:10 showing all the parts before reassembling
10:23 reassembling
11:11 showing the finished product
11:40 final testing

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for around 20h
$5 oiler
$20 primer (2K)
$20 moss green coat (2K)
$2.5 felt gasket
$0.5 o-ring

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines i'm using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. I'm uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

My Patreon Page:
Рекомендации по теме

The reason i love this channel is that he does everything properly. Even with the painstaking details, he takes the time to do it right and that's why the finished products are always superb. Great work mate


I love how these videos make us appreciate the beauty in everyday objects. I mean, look how beautiful that oil can turned out. It’s a freakin oil can. And it’s beautiful.


Be warned, once you start watching, you cannot stop. Exquisite work! Pleasure to watch the Masterpiece unfold. Sure tells you a lot of why back then, Craftsmanship was of such high quality.


In awe of his strategic approach, knowledge of materials, skill in handling a variety of hand/power tools, and documentation of the recovery process. These videos are a treasure and should be archived for current and future generations to see and understand the art of craftsmanship.


7:42 "Remaking the knurling with a triangle file"
Seriously? This guy has the patience of a saint!


I really appreciate the sounds. Much better than music or commentary.


I was so afraid he wasn't going to test it at the end. So afraid I'd never see one of these things actually work in real life. But he did it. He squirted that oil. And I've never been so happy


It’s so cute coming back and watching this and realizing this is the oil can he uses in so many videos and the fact that not only does he restore these things to works of art but they’re functional pieces that he uses and it’s just so impressive 🥰


#1 Best Restorer on YouTube right here. Fascinating to see that welding dent remover, never seen anything like that before and it worked perfectly! I never even knew that Threading File existed either, very cool!


I love no corny musica, no boring commentary just real dedication and attention to every minute detail. Thank you!


My favorite part about your videos is how there's no commentary or music. It's just patiently working away at a project. There's something almost therapeutic about watching them.

Also I dig that you take "restoration" to a whole new league. I've seen lots of these kinds of videos but I've never seen someone go as far as machining new screws and bolts. Also the buffing wheel is my favorite part. I like how you really try to get as many scratches out as possible.


This has to be one of my absolute favorite projects of yours. Amazing work.


I am simply speechless! Polish the spring? Refile the
And the buffing...better than perfect!
Thank you for uploading!


There are a lot of restoration channels on YouTube. but I only watch yours because you're the only one that does a perfect restoration. No detail is to small to fix. Keep up the great work, love your Channel.


Every time when I see notification of your videos, I always know my next half hour is sorted. Cheers from Korea. Nice one as always!


I dunno why I'm saying this but I don't think I've ever seen a better paint finish than this. Absolutely flawless. Beautiful restoration


What make me like this guy so much is that he never compromise on anything!! Amazing attention to details


Is he going to put oil in it? Isn't he going to try it out? OMG HE IS!!! THE MADMAN IS DOING IT!!!


Out of all the others on youtube that like to label their vids as " restorations " - THIS guy understands what the word restoration MEANS.


Ok. But this dude just polished a spring you won't even see. That's dedication to the project and his craft. No cutting corners.
