Tips to take care of hair during pregnancy - Dr. Priyanka Dasari Reddy
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Like skin we also experience changes in our hair in pregnancy, while being pregnant is the golden period of our hair. We love our hair during pregnancy because the growth phase of the hair is prolonged, that is there is no hair shedding or there is minimal hair shedding and the hair grows much faster because of prolonged growth phase. Post-delivery, will the hormones are back to normal and all the hair that has been retained during pregnancy, all of a sudden shed, this is not the only reason for the post-partum or the post-delivery hair loss, there are other reason, on is the hormonal levels coming back to normal and two because of negligence. We as mothers during pregnancy take good balanced diet, take out of nutritional supplements but post delivery because of our hectic schedule with the baby, all the focus is driven to the baby. We stop taking our antioxidants or multivitamin tablets that we were taking. We do not take good balanced diet, added to this lactation itself is a stressful period, wherein we do not get food, sleep. So what do we do to control post-partum hair fall, it is a natural procedures. After 2 to 3 months of delivery, the increased hair shed will come back to its normal. You need to start taking good nutrition in a nutritional supplements and try and get as much a sleep, but the best approach is to wait for 3 or 4 months. Don’t stress out looking at the hair that is she on the ground cause stress again will increase the hairfall. Once the hormone levels comes back to normal and you feel that the hair fall hasn’t come back to normal, then you can visit your doctor and start taking the supplements or lotions that you are prescribed with.