Breaking the Taboo: Talking Openly about Death

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In this video, I'm talking about the word death and the euphemisms people use when talking about it! Death is not a dirty word, and it should not be treated as such. The word itself has stigma and fear attached to it, but I hope that with education, we can begin to understand that death is normal, natural, and a process everyone will deal with at one point or another!

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Why do we use euphemisms when talking about death and dying?


"Celestial discharge" sounds like something that happens after an angel has lunch at Taco Bell.


In Spanish we don’t have many words for death. Thank you for this content, I lost my father few years ago and I wish somebody like you with me those days


I'm looking forward to seeing this. I've finished my 2nd lot of treatment in 2yrs for CC, this time 3c2. If it returns again there's not a lot that can be done (immunotherapy isn't funded for CC in my country). If I get 5yrs before it returns I'll be blessed to see my 46th birthday. Your videos have brought me so much peace. Thank you x


it will be a year in November, i unexpectedly lost my best friend my fur baby of only 5yrs, and my service dog.

She had shown no signs till 3 days before she passed away.

she was tierd alot more, i thought she might have a cold or the flu as she had them before, but day 2 wasnt much better so i called my vets and made an emergency appointment .

weak in the legs and exhausted i brought her to the vets, she noticed a lady was nervous and upset her dog was going to get spayed. she waited patiently then when the dog was taken out back she waltzed right over and feeling like utter crap herself she made the lady smile.

then our turn came, after the ultrasound we were sent to an emergency vet clinic.

She had a massive fast growing tumor on her liver that crushed both her intestines and her kidneys were in failure do to the tumor releasing toxins into them.

when the surgeon told me surgery would be cruelty and unfair and the best option for her was to put her down the world went silent to me for a moment.

my ears felt like they had plugs in then my heart felt like a hour glass ⌛️ with the bottom shattered and the sand fell out.

i asked the vet to repeat himself, then agreed it would be best to put her down that day which was also the day before her 6th birthday and Thanksgiving.

i held cuddled with her on the floor, i thanked her for helping me over the years and being my rock and makeing me smile.

i kissed her on the head and laid down next to her for about 45mins after she left this world behind.

i cried multiple times daily for 4.5 month, then once a day then once a week now when ever i relive that day.

i lost a cat to cancer 6 months later roughly i raised her since she was born.

i feel bad because i dont cry nearly as much for her or most of my other babies or even my mum 4 years ago.

But looseing my service dog and fur baby the day before her 6th birthday had me grieving so hard i developed broken heart syndrome 💔 and wanted to join her so much.

i spent months after going over everything even talking to both vets about the months before she passed away, everyone said i did everything right and i couldn't have known and liver cancer in large breed dogs hides scarily well.

to this day i cry and im crying now writing this while hugging her urn.

but i thought ide share this even thoe its hard for me.

maybe this can help someone else whom is grieving, your not alone.


Penny, you need to start a podcast about hospice, death and dying!


I put my sick Mother on Hospice and She died 4 days late , BUT YET I STILL QUESTION IF I DID THE RIGHG THING 😢😢
But as I watch your videos I HEAL, because of you you've explained that everything she was going thru wa dxx to prepare for a graceful natural death. AND I have aot of closure because of your video of 🙏🏻s and explanations on the fact that than the dying process is so normal and to not fear it but in brave their graceful passing . Thank you so much 😥Its been a year today and I'm still I. Shock / grateful the hospice nurses communicated with me so I was there ed her last day .
What an amazing women she was ..her legacy will live on .
I'll see you o. The flip side mama.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Nobody ever wants to discuss death in my family, been a hospice nurse and longtermcare, subacute rehab 27yrs. My issue is, I do not know why my own parents did not get rid of all they have collected throughout life.?


Thank you for this content. I wish our society was more open about death and dying. It was a learning experience caring for my parents when they were on hospice. My sons were right there with me and got to see it firsthand. I hope they have an easier time with my death than I did with my parents.


I find it odd when someone says they’ve lost their loved one when in fact they’ve died.


Thank you for doing the work you do! I wish more people understood what “dying” involves for the patient. You do, and I’m grateful to you and Julie for helping people understand what death is all about. I only hope when my time to die comes, I hope there will be someone like you around. ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏


But we're not dead, the soul lives on and I'm sure you've heard this🎉❤


Facts ! Thank you for spreading truth ❤🤍🕊️


When I worked graveyards in the hospital, we frequently used “celestial discharge” when someone “expired”—another term we used even in our charting system—handwritten charts!


Thank you for your videos they are so helpful and informative.I’ve always used the word passing instead of dyeing I mean i could hardly even say it but it makes sense to use real words in real situations and again thank you and God bless you always ❤


I like the topic. I recently obtained my "Death Doula" Doula Certificate, and I thought it was strange when someone then later said "End of Life" Doula.


What would your advice be for someone 26 with health anxiety? I always fear having a stroke. It’s ruining my life and I’d love to hear your input.


I live alone with cancer and my son and brother live many states away. I hope when they are called they just say I have died.


When I was younger, I wanted things. Wealth, whatever. Now that I'm married, have a decent job, and two children, I wish to be able to work and help them grow up to be independent and well, then to just take a long, forever rest.

Death, to me, is a long sleep. I don't remember my dreams all that often. Sleep is a total, comfortable, long darkness. It's not far from death. We don't go to sleep afraid of that darkness. Death is just a sleep that you don't wake up from


