What Marx ACTUALLY Means in His 11th Thesis.

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“Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement “- Lenin


It's crazy how well you manage to stuff this into 1 minute shorts.


Žižek would agree praxis is a dialectical configuration of theory-practice. Psychoanalysis, for example, can only exist as praxis (that is, theory in practice). But that's not what he's referencing.

Žižek is saying Marx didn't understand Hegel, and Understanding for us Hegelians is the movement of self-consciousness. Not even Marx would argue he was faithful to Hegel (ie. saying he "turned Hegel on his head"). Something you can do with Fichte (Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis) but not Hegel (as Abstract-Negative-Concrete would remain intact even in it's inversion).

In your Fichtean view contradiction occurs externally, but for us Hegelians contradiction occurs internally.


In my “Activist Materialism and the “End” of Philosophy “, I say something similar to what you say about the 11th Thesis:

On the other hand, in recent times many Marxist activists and militants have acted as if with Marx, Engels and Lenin, we had reached the end of philosophy.This reminds of the recent bourgeois book on the end of history. Both the end of history and the end of philosophy are foolish notions for activist materialists to hold. For, in the First Thesis above it is the philosophical subject with self-determination and power that is the key and only actor, the only changer of the world. The error of leaving philosophy dormant seems to be that in focussing o the activism of Marx's materialism, in focussing on changing the world, it is assumed that PHILOSOPHICAL interpretation and contemplation of the world are to be dropped or that very little time should be spent in them by activists. This may "derive" from the 11th Thesis which says 'Philosophers have interpreted the world in a number of ways; the thing is to change it." Yet, this does not say stop interpreting the world and try to change it. And the First Thesis' active subject (objects are not actors) key for change, only source of change, is only understood as a philosophical subject. Thus, for revolutionary activity, we still need philosophical consciousness and especially in activists and militants, professional revolutionaries.


Though I believe in Communism, I hate Marx, because he doesn't offer a Leftist alternative to Capitalism. Only criticism and hatred/"revolution" which signifies immaturity and lack of proper reasoning an well intent.
Imo, a Leftist solution is a Rational Democracy, not a Direct Democracy nor a Representative Democracy. Rational Democracy like an internet Forum for Policy Proposals, with a platform designed for arguments, and a transparent scoring system.

Btw, I was born in 1984 "Socialist / Communist" Romania and I can tell that right from the start it was an extended Russian Empire. The Russian army militarily invaded Eastern Europe and installed "Communist" regimes over-night (with Russian Agents at the lead).
