Ethical Hacking: Using Hashcat and cracking basic MD5 hash #ethicalhacking #kalilinux

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In this video, we'll be using Hashcat to crack the MD5 hash of text file. Hashcat is an amazing tool for ethical hackers and is a great tool for cracking basic security hashes.

This video will teach you how to use Hashcat and crack basic security hashes, such as the MD5 hash. By the end of this video, you'll be able to use Hashcat to crack MD5 hashes and be a Hashcat ninja!

0:00 - Basics
0:37 - Intro to hashcat
3:52 - hashcat command explanation
5:25 - wordlists
7:03 - running hashcat
9:14 - results of crack
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See You in the next vid!

-Very good and clear guide


Win key > Terminal
wordlists - finds wordlists

cd Desktop ~ Directs to desktop so you can create a txt file on desktop.
hashcat ~ launches hashcat
[optional] hashcat --help

hashcat -m 0 -a 0 -o cracked.txt target_hashes.txt

(optional) nano cracked.txt -- displays the cracked text file
