Ob/Gyn Discusses Weird Postpartum Symptoms & Warning Signs

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MUST WATCH for new moms!! Ob/Gyn Physician Mama Doctor Jones goes over 5 things she wants you to know about the postpartum timeframe. From sweating and periods to crying and depression, she hits the high points as well as a few things you should always call your doctor about.






Mama Doctor Jones
PMB 2308
6001 W Parmer Ln Ste 370
Austin, TX 78727

(Send me a picture your kid drew about how babies are born or a letter about something you learned on my channel...I don't know guys, you just asked for this and I'm giving it to you.)
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When my son was 3 months old I was buying some baby products. I could have given a £5 note and got change but I wanted to give the exact amount and burst into tears because I didn't have it. The lady behind followed me out of the shop, took me for a coffee and suggested I see a doctor. Random kindness that saved my sanity.


Oh yeah...and if you start hearing voices, talk to your doc. I had borderline postpartum psychosis with my first. Never had a thought in my mind to EVER hurt my kids...however, I felt like I was a horrible mom and my baby would be better off without me...and then I heard voices telling me to do it...in the middle of the night. It was terrifying. Thankfully, I sought help, and I was able to get my PPD under control after talking to my doctor. Call them right away. Don't wait until your next appointment.


In my country we get this 'house help' for a week. She helps with the baby and does physical checks on mom, helps with breastfeeding and does some housework (laundry cleaning and cooking). These women are ANGELS to me really. You say 'anything that feels abnormal' . The thing is, I felt like I was hit by a truck after my first baby was born. I had no connection to my body AT ALL. I didn't know how I was suppised to feel and I was so so happy this woman helped me and monitored me through out this period (anddd.. landed me in the hospital a week after because I had an infection..)


Thank you! I'm 8 weeks postpartum and dealing with serious ppd and anxiety. I'm actually going to see a psychiatrist this afternoon to try and get a handle on it. I so sincerely appreciate this video.


This really hits home for me. 1. No
One told me to check my blood pressure postpartum even though I had a history of preeclampsia. Luckily I knew what high bp and preeclampsia symptoms felt like. 2. I TOLD my OBGYN I was severely anxious and she ignored it. We need to do better with postpartum care. It’s so important.


8 days after I gave birth to my daughter I spiked a fever of 103 in the middle of the night. I was sweating and had serious chills. I almost ignored this because “I just had a baby”.
I had a very serious infection from part of the placenta being left behind. I almost didn’t make it. This was 5 months ago. Ladies, listen to your body.


I have zero plans to have children any time soon but I appreciate this channel for tackling topics new parents might not know to ask or might be too embarrassed to discuss. It's crazy when you realise how much information doesn't get passed on to the next generation of parents.


I’m sure that I had ppd with my son, but I was afraid that if I told my doctor, she would call CPS and have him taken away from me. Irrational thinking, check. It lasted about six months, from what I remember (he’s 18 now). I don’t know if that type of thinking is common, but if someone reading is having that thought, your doctor will not have your baby taken away. I wish someone had been able to reassure me of that years ago.


2 days post delivery of my youngest, I had the worst cold. Midwife came over to check on baby and saw how poorly I was. She told me to go to the hospital. Went to accident and emergency as the midwife suggested thinking I had an embolism, turned out I had pneumonia.
Had it not have been for her I would have powered on.
We are lucky in the UK, midwives are in and out of our homes for 10ish days post birth, then we are passed onto health visitors who do an equally fab job.


“If you have thoughts of hurting yourself, the baby, or anyone else....”
Do loudly snoring husbands count?


I really wish someone would have told me about night sweats. I was convinced that being drenched every night was just the way my life was going to be from now on. Lol


We were told we wouldn’t have a baby without medical intervention. The next month we found out we were pregnant. The entire pregnancy I was so anxious I knew I could not loose my baby. I knew I needed him. I was so excited I never even thought post partum depression would happen. Yet it did and it did bad. I was in such a bad state the first 6 months of my sons life and then after that it was only a gradual improvement. I wanted to leave my baby and husband because I convinced myself I was the worst mom in the world and there was no way I could be a mom. There were times where I did have the desire to hurt myself. I also had such severe anxiety I couldn’t sleep more than 30 minutes at a time and I would wake instantly my son made a sound. I didn’t trust anyone to hold my baby even my husband. It was the most miserable experience. I didn’t feel any connection to my son and my life was just full of this dark anxious cloud. If you are going through anything like this please please please get help. When I finally reached out it made such a big difference. This message needs to be spread often


I’m so thankful you are on YouTube. My kids are grown/teenagers, but I would have LOVED/NEEDED a channel like yours. Especially with my 4th (who’s 16 today!) as I had undiagnosed major depressive disorder and as a result I spent the first nine months of his life not functioning, and full of guilt that I carry to this day. My husband was working (and confused) and he would surround my bed with food for the kids and books and toys and games. Literally all I could do was be with my kids. I was so embarrassed and alone. So if anyone feels like this...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. YOU ARE NOT WEAK TO ASK FOR HELP. YOUR NEEDS ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR KIDS’ NEEDS. 💕
Thank you Mama Doctor Jones. You’re amazing.


I'm child-free, and I really value everything I've learned here! Not only is it great to have knowledge for knowledge's sake, but I know it'll help me help my friends who experience pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks MDJ :)


Menopause care is NOT where is should be also. If you could do some videos to help women with that. My obgyn was not too helpful with symptoms.


You know your pregnant when you cry randomly 3 times during this video while folding laundry. 😭


Thanks for this video. After my twins were born, I had severe nausea for the first week. To the point where I was barely eating anything. The doctors still have no idea why and it went away on its own. Also, I was on blood pressure meds after delivery (due to pre eclampsia) and the OB's office never really followed up on it or told me when I could stop taking the meds. They said my PCP had to handle it, even though my blood pressure outside of pregnancy has always been normal (so it was clearly a pregnancy related issue). Needless to say, I don't go there anymore. I really think that we need much better postpartum care in the U.S.. There is so much focus on the baby, which is fine, but my issues felt ignored by the nurses & professionals on the recovery side.


I really wish that everyone had access to a Dr like you during 1 of the most important times in their lives. I had post partum depression after having my twins, and didn't realize it until it was over, a year after the birth. No one around me noticed either because I was still "functional". I did everything I was supposed to do for them, and my other children, and never had thoughts of harming anyone, besides myself a few times, and I didn't bond with them at all. I'm still sad about the joy that I missed out on for their 1st year of life. Luckily, we made it through, and I've loved them to pieces for the last 19 years.


I had PPD pretty bad after my last kid. I've battled depression most of my life so PPD didn't feel all that different for me. It did lead to me becoming an alcoholic, but I am now 15 months sober. I never did talk to my doctor about it. Cuz i always "felt" fine when i went in for check ups.


This video really hit home. I never thought I’d be one to suffer with PPD/PPA. But 1 week postpartum, I knew immediately that it wasn’t just baby blues. Huge thumbs up for anything related to women’s health. 👍🏼👏🏼
