Since You Went Away with Claudette Colbert 1944 - 1080p HD Film

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With her husband away to fight in World War II, a housewife must care for their two daughters alone. Please remember to like this film and subscribe to Cinema4Reel for newly released films.
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Rated along with THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES as the two best WWII era movies. My father along with his 4 brothers served in the Army in WWII. Other than the Sullivan brothers RIP. My grandparents living in Massena, NY had 5 boys in the war at the same time. The local newspaper posted their pictures plus a nice article. My dad rose through the ranks in OCS then he was transferred to the Army Air Corps. We need to bring back patriotism to our country.


I grew up during this period and can relate well to this movie with a brother in the Navy and two sisters and a mother working in defense plants while my father a WWI veteran worked as a security guard.


This was a lovely movie 🎥! Thank you for uploading it to YouTube ♥️


Salerno is mentioned in this story. My dad served there and was 50% disabled as a result. The film bought tears to my eyes.


I originally wanted to watch this film for the brilliant Max Steiner soundtrack. I’m ashamed that I never watched it sooner. It is, without hyperbole, such a tribute and insight to the families of World War II. I cannot recommend it enough. Especially now when patriotism seems in limbo. Each actor was stellar. That it didn’t win ever y award merely speaks to the outstanding film making of that era. I wish everyone would take the time to watch this. It speaks out to the patriotism we seem to forget. And the human element of the intertwining stories are heart rendering. There aren’t enough words to applaud this film.


When Americans were proud to be American!
I’m the son of immigrants and they loved this country with all their hearts!
God bless America 🇺🇸


Thank you for making it possible for us to see this wonderful film on YouTube that I saw many years ago.


Thank you for uploading this great movie.The wonderful Hattie Mc Donald's is acting very natural .She deserved her Oscar in" Gone with the Wind".I like Hattie and Claudette Colbert very much.Sadly Hattie Mc Donald's died much too early at the age of 52. I am watching this great movie in August 2024.This movie is 80 Years old ♥️👍👍👍🙋🇩🇪


Man! This movie messed me up! Three different times i just cried....
Thank you, even now, to everyone then....
who made so many sacrifices. ✝️


I loved this film, and it was so fun to see so many familiar faces and names; an extraordinary cast and production!
(Don’t think I’ve ever seen Agnes Moorhead in anything other than as ‘Endora’, in Bewitched!)

Thank-You So Much; this has brought Me Joy!


Yet another great hd transformation and great quality. Thanks again ! ☺🤗


What a wonderful movie! Enjoyed every minute of this film. Very moving. Thank you for posting!


5🌟🎥 for this Absolutely wonderful classic movie ~ with some of my favorite top notch actors ~ Claudette, Shirley, Jennifer, Hattie McDaniel, Joseph, Agnes, and Monty Woolley give superb performances.


Wonderful Movie, Thanks For Sharing With Us. 😊


Brought here by the book Real war vs. Reel War by Suzanne Broderick, excellent book...first time I've ever seen it...strongly recommend Tender Comrade with Ginger Rodgers and of course the classic Best Years Of Our Lives. Thank You for these wonderful films...


From start to end a perfect movie actors all on top form🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐a must see👀👀👀👀


A long night flight from Australia to the US many years ago I asked this old gentleman why he was walking up and down the aisle,
He said he couldn’t sleep because his legs wouldn’t allow him to.I asked why and he replied he was in the US army in the Philippines
and during fighting was machined gun across the legs.They saved his legs but he sometimes wished they had amputated them due to the amount of ongoing aches and pains he had gone through.I have never looked at another old person again and thought ‘silly old bugger’.


During the war, my mother's parents lived in a small Oregon town, where it didn't take long for news - good or bad - to make the rounds. The worst thing that could be said of a man was that he was shirking the draft; the worst thing that could be said about a family is that they were hoarders. Mrs. Hawkins would have had a mighty rough time of things, had she been living there. Thanks so much for giving us the chance to see this wonderful film!


When everyone at least knew there is a Creator even those living in sin and knew it was wrong, n most ppl honored Him. Very different times than what we live in today.


There are cuts in this. The cut after Hattie McDaniel says good night to Jennifer Jones...near the beginning - compare it to other prints.
