Deconstructing My Religion

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The show looks at what happens when people have doubts about the faith tradition in which they were raised, and how the sharing of personal stories can be a means to heal from spiritual trauma.
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It’s very encouraging that we’re finally having these discussions. Christianity was traumatizing for me and many people I grew up with. It cripples people emotionally, physically, and spiritually: fear, shame, unworthiness. It’s toxic and I also experienced PTSD.


This was a helpful documentary. In European evangelicalism things look a lot different. We European evangelicals are a small minority here with not much influence or political power. Power tends to corrupt us as humans whether we are Christians or not.


I'm grateful to Trump for revealing the true heart of evangelicals to me and for putting the final nail in the coffin of Christianity. No more wrestling. I am free.


I’m continually shocked that religion is still a thing in the modern scientific world. An ode to our poor education systems I guess.


I applaud CBS and these individuals for speaking out. I have also left Christianity because of the toxic and destructive teachings and environment that I personally was in. Thankfully I found Judaism and the Reconstructionist movement as my personal path to GD and I encourage others to continue on their own journey whether that’s back to organized religion or not.


All these “Christians” will act loving to draw you into their group. Once you get in they then use legalism and shaming. I went through my teenage years with anxiety about what behaviors were sinful or not and the soon return of Jesus. I have broken away in my 50’s but it still took awhile to shed everything. It even affected how I raised my daughters because I believed the crap preached by James Dobson. I’m now an agnostic atheist. After what I’ve been through and seeing what others went through there is absolutely no way I would ever set foot in a church except for a wedding or funeral.


Really appreciate how you covered this story. Even the phrasing used to transition from one idea or segment to the other was neutral. This feels like one of the first mainstream news outlets to actually treat "the nones" or the "exvangelicals" like adults and that we might actually know what we're talking about. That we were abused by that religion. I believe there ARE good folks in that religion but I don't think that religion made them that way. I think they are just good folks who try to do good and be kind. But they are the except, and not the rule. And the nones have been trying to explain this for years but we were just told we were spoiled and wanted attention. Only now that Gen Z is telling them to f off are folks beginning to listen to us.
It would be like being raised Amish but when you turn 20 you get booted for being nothing more than who you are and then everyone you meet from that point on tells you you weren't amish, and no, you don't have any issues, and if you don't agree, well you just want attention. Well it's a good thing those first 20 years aren't formative. :|
But now with all the ministers coming online for all the world to see, with their big*try, se*ism, r*cism, and ign*'s almost normalized itself because of just how many of the m*ther-effers there are. They have been saying what they've been preaching in church for decades lmao And know that they feel that power slipping for the first time in forever, they have turned to demonizing people are random in your communities and terrorizing those that don't want to live like this any more. We could be a nation where people are fed, and educated, who feel safe and supported by their community, who are able to pursue big dreams, whatever that could mean. I think we're tired and have accepted too much as unchangeable but that is the biggest lie you could believe. I think the idea of changing so many things so quickly kind of breaks our brain but that's great! You can't rethink a system from within, you gotta break out. And that's what we did! We were trapped in a world that we believed to be true, with no options other than what was given to us UNTIL we met people outside of the religion and realized that other people live completely differently than us and they are happy and healthy and not burning in hellfire. lol It's why traveling to other countries is so eye-opening because not everyone does society the same which means there are no rule...more like guidelines, and THAT is the moment when you realize


I have a similar story. Born Again Christianity is just evil at its core. When I left I was so happy and no looking back.


Evangelicalism has been a disaster for Christianity.


This was really good. For a long time I wasn’t aware that this process I was going through had a name. I was trying to pin point when it started and I think it started when I was trying to figure out how evangelicals were able to stomach and support Trumph. It caused me to ask myself am I one of them.


That which is called Christianity, I think Christ would disavow


This is so moving as someone who grew up the same way.


No leaders because this is intellectual evolution


So listened to this video, as I am in the process of destructing from my Christian faith of 26yrs and looked up the EXevangelical Facebook to connect with people during this struggling, confusing time and they REJECTED me from the page. Three times I answered their questions to try and join their private page and three times they REJECTED me from trying to join AND they had the audacity of BLOCKING me from the page!
How rude and cruel to someone that is trying to find their way away from Christianity.


The fear shame trauma imposed in Christianity is Real. I am a deconstructing Christian. Of I should say deconstructing from religious dogma. I no longer believe in anything but you reap what you sow, do onto others as you would do to yourself.


I also encourage more interfaith dialogue . To learn share what other faiths believe. That would be heathy for our whole world. Where so much violence and war is related to religion


The focus is on evangelicals which is unfortunate. My own history is the traditional sacramental denominations which all have their own rules, destructive theological processes. Many claim to be liberal and welcoming to all. This brings a huge struggle for many who prefer white English speaking middle class members. So yes all denominations need to be examined and those who leave these groups need to also be allowed their journey without condemnation


Listening to these "Deconstructed Christians" makes me realize they never understood Christianity in the first place


i find it odd that these people think the church had to hurt people somehow for people to think critically


This video literally saved me from leaving Christianity all together.
