Ancient Coins: Aurelian, the Unconquered Sun

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Rome needed a hero during the later half of the third century. With the Empire split in three and enemies pressing on the frontier, Aurelian rose to the challenge, improving the economy, stabilizing the frontiers, reunifying the empire and likely saving Rome from an early disaster. Today we're looking at some of the coins of this remarkable Emperor.

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Excellent video, Leo! By the way, for those who wonder: the surviving mint workers from Rome were moved to the newly created province of Dacia Aureliana to open the mint of Serdica. You do an amazing work with these videos, it is obvious that it must take a lot of work by their amazing quality. You should give a chance to those of your suscribers and followers who would like to contribute with your channel's continuity to do so, either by paypal, patreon or buy-me-a-coffee donations. Taking into account the value so many collectors have obtained and WILL OBTAIN from your videos, in my opinion it should be regarded as an investment rather than a donation!


Aurelian is the greatest emperor that most people have never heard of.


Your historical knowledge is impressive. Thanks for putting these videos out!


Fascinating stuff. Aurelian is my fav emperor


Aurelian coins is definitely on my bucket list. Great video Leo!


What a dream come true….video dedicated to Aurelian and his coinage, thanks


One of my first and most favorite Antoninianus is from Antioch showing both Aurelian and Vabalathus’s busts. Such a unique coin from a turbulent time in history, the story behind the coin is one of the best.


My first (and so far only) antoninianus is a silvered coin from Aurelian which has Sol Invictus on the reverse standing over prisoners of war. I got it from my mom for my 21st birthday almost a decade ago when I really started collecting ancient coins in earnest. It still holds a special place in my collection not only because Aurelian is one of my top five favorite Roman emperors but because it's such an attractive piece despite the severe debasement of the era that's miraculously managed to retain much of its silvering even after 1750 years! Definitely a keeper.


Very amazing but sad story. I've watched very detailed videos on his reforms and military campaigns and it's beyond impressive. A harsh disciplinarian, but that was exactly what was needed.


I just got my first Ancient Roman coin (Aurelian Antoninianus),
And Thanks for the video!


Outstanding video, well presented, you have beautiful examples of Roman coinage to show us. Coins of Severina seem to be more difficult to obtain these days.


Excellent video! Aurelian is my favorite crisis emperor. I have five or six of his coins because he is just so amazing in what he was able to accomplish


My very first lot of uncleaned Roman coins had a late radiate crown Antoninianus of Aurelian. I was so excited when I cleaned it and saw his name. The obverse still shows signs of silvering and the reverse, though less well preserved, shows Aurelian receiving the laurel from Jupiter. It's my favourite coin in my small collection.


I currently have 4 Antoninanus' of Aurelian.. 3 are the Jupiter reverse you featured, the other has Fortuna seated, holding a rudder & a cornucopiae.. this one shows the increased silver content the best...


My first and only Roman coin is an Antoninianus from Aurelian.


I was looking at prices of his coins yesterday I decided to wait to get one just because I’ve reached my budget this month. but now I really wanna get one lol.


Great video, as always! I am proud owner of a "Sol Invictus with captives" antoninianus myself. It still has a respectable amount of silvering left


That was a very enjoyable history lesson. Also a life lesson as to how often, even 1700 years ago it was rare for the best leaders to be in positions of power.

Just like today, most seemed to be self-serving, somewhat corrupt megalomaniacs. Depressing in a way but useful to know.


Must admit later Roman coins quite aren't my cup of tea, but I might pick up some of his coins now!


I recently got my first Aurelian Antoninianus last month as a birthday gift from a friend at a local coin show. I was looking through a dealers box and my friend came to show me some coins he bought and asked if i was going to buy this coin of Aurelian and i said maybe, my friend paid for it and said happy birthday! lol Its one of the Concordia Militarum coins issued in Siscia
