Putin warns of nuclear war risk if US helps Ukraine in war with Russia | LiveNOW from FOX

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the U.S. against any deeper involvement in Moscow’s war with Ukraine or risk “global nuclear conflict.” Putin’s warning to Biden and the U.S. came during his state-of-the-union address ahead of next month’s election. FOX’s Alex Hogan and LiveNOW from FOX’s Josh Breslow discuss his speech.

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F it we don’t do nothing but work all the time anyways


He didn’t say if the US helps Ukraine. He said if NATO puts troops on the ground in Ukraine.


Oh no the 200th nuclear threat of the Ukraine war


He's not talking about war with the US. He's talking about global destruction. If Russia can't win, then no one will win.


Damn the amount of comments just agreeing because were tyred of working 😂😂


Threatens millions of innocent children with these words. Anyone who does that should not be a leader, and that goes for both sides East and West!


America should mind its own business and not try to get into a war it will never win


He's been making these threats for years. He knows that the instant those missiles leave the silos, Russia ceases to exist. He is insane, not stupid.


Why is Congress taking a mute stand on this? They talking about immigration loud and clear! Maybe we need a wake up call.


Putin knows wassap Thats a bad move when all of your neighbors are looking for a reason to leap on you


Although I realize that many people may disagree, I believe that the error that NATO has made with Russia in regard
to Ukraine, has been in not being anywhere near aggressive enough. I believe that deterrence is very important. I think that
great efforts should be made to either stop bad things from happening or to stop them from getting worse.

I think that a major motivator for Putin's actions in regard to Ukraine starting with the 2014 invasion and annexation
of Crimea, has been his belief that the West is indecisive and scared and that he could get away with doing pretty
much anything that he wanted to.

I believe that the primary reason for the inadequate reaction of NATO has been fear of a nuclear conflict. Basically,
I believe that through nonsensical bluffs and the West's own independent fear, Putin and his cronies have succeeded
in cowing the NATO alliance into allowing Russia to seize Crimea in 2014 and begin a new invasion in 2022 that could
result in Ukraine's eventual defeat.

I believe that the chances of Russia's using nuclear weapons in Ukraine is miniscule at best. If Putin/Russia used nuclear weapons,
I am sure they realize that they could easily be "signing their own death warrant" which I very much doubt they have much interest in
doing. I strongly believe that corrupt government officials and oligarchs who spend billions of dollars of stolen money on colossal yachts
and mansions have very little interest in committing suicide in attempts to keep stolen lands in Ukraine. People who are very interested in
worldly goods of great luxury, are expressing a strong desire to go on living.

When Russia seized Crimea in 2014, I believe that the U.S. and the rest of NATO should have told Putin in "no uncertain terms", that if
Russian forces did not immediately leave Crimea, they would send their military into Crimea and destroy the Russian forces
that were present there. If Russia had not complied with that demand, then NATO should have made that threat a reality. These actions
almost surely would have prevented the 2022 Ukraine war from happening and could have saved hundreds of thousands of Ukranian

In 2022 when U.S. intelligence predicted that Russia was about to invade Ukraine, the U.S. and the rest of NATO should have warned
Putin/Russia, that if they go ahead with their invasion, then the combined NATO forces would enter Ukraine and destroy the Russian
military that was present. Again, I think that that this action could have very possibly stopped the Russian invasion before it happened.

I still believe that the U.S. and the rest of NATO should take direct and aggressive action now in the war in Ukraine. I believe that the combined
NATO forces should send into Ukraine a very large military force and destroy the Russian military that is present there. Russia is no longer
a super-power and has not been one since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia has demonstrated in Ukraine for all to see, that it does
not have a great military. The Russians are well aware that they cannot possibly successfully stand up to the U.S. alone or to the combined
forces of NATO. The only real danger that Russia has is a large nuclear arsenal that I would strongly suggest that they dare not use. Confronting
Russia on a Ukrainian battlefield would in fact not create "World War III". - This is a myth. The 32 countries that make up NATO versus Russian forces that
are present in Ukraine, is not a World War. It is the total destruction of those Russian forces that have invaded Ukraine. NATO needs to "grow a backbone".
China, North Korea and Iran are not sending armies to Ukraine to fight "shoulder to shoulder" with Russia. - This is not going to happen. This threat of
World War III is little more than nonsense that Russian would dearly love for the West to believe.

Russia should be forced to give back to Ukraine, every inch of land that they have illegally seized including Crimea. After all Ukrainian lands have been
returned, Russia should be compelled to pay backbreaking reparations to rebuild all of Ukraine that they have destroyed.

A stern message needs to be sent to all aggressor nations that all they will receive for their actions is military defeat, isolation and economic collapse.



Lol Putin said this multiple times already and he still hasn't made good on his threats


Putin better be careful what he wishes for.


That's so funny he keeps talking bout nuclear war like if the usa don't got enough nuclear bombs to make Russia disappear 🙄


I'd highly recommend against that


Russia is going to cease to exist, the second he pushes that button


The US has a better Iron Dome DEFENSE system. We got IRON, SUPER, SPIDER-MAN AND WONDER WOMAN. NO FEAR.


You never said I’m leaving
You never said goodbye.
You were gone before I knew it
And by war I know why.

In life I loved you completely
In death I love you still.
I hold a place in my heart
That only you can fill.

It broke my heart to lose you
But I know you’re not alone.
A part of me left with you
As the seeds of war were sown.

Lifestyles will forever change
For all who survive war.
When it has ended, as it began
With tears, hate, death and more.

War tends to punish the punishers
So the losers won't suffer alone.
The essence of war is but violence
Till the survivors come crying home.

By Tom Zart!


Up until 2014 Mr.Putin had shaped Russia very well. He had built up the country's Dollar reserves, and was actually a very Likeable guy across the World, but he miscalculated when he decided to arm the Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine, leading to the unnecessary loss of countless lives-mostly young conscripts and many innocent Civilians, including MH17 Victims. It is very sad because; not once did he offer an olive🫒 branch to Kiev🇺🇦 in a bid to descalate the ethnic situation there! 🤔 Now with Ukraine turned into rubble, and with over half a Million people dead because of Soviet style adventurism...we wonder what Russia stands to gain, that it just couldn't have achieved by further "peacefully" annexing the Dombass and Luhansk regions...especially as NATO vows to block Russia from landlocking Ukraine. THIS MESSAGE IS NOT MEANT TO DISRESPECT OR ANTAGONIZE ANYONE BUT TO POSITIVELY CRITIQUE BAD CHESS MOVES...and clearly assassinations are turning all the people against the Government in and outside of Russia. Just stating FACTS!
□©️The community of International Critics. 2024.


End of Russia if Pootin is stupid enough to try our resolve. Pretty obvious his military is finished.😂
