Celestion Vintage 30 vs Celestion Seventy 80 Speaker (Joyo vs Marshall Cab)

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This is a review and demo of the Joyo Celestion Vintage 30 Speaker

In this video, I am comparing a Celestion Vintage 30 speaker to a Celestion Seventy 80 speaker. Each of these speakers is loaded into a different 2x12 cabinet. The Celestion Seventy 80 is loaded in the Marshall MX212 cabinet and the Vintage 30 is loaded in the Joyo 212V.

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The seventy eighty is a solid speaker and one that could really offset a dark amp. I don't understand the hate it gets..


Well in my very personal opinion I like the 70/80 way better, it has that cool crisp that I love, specially being a Fender guitar player, work best to my vibes!


I have a 212 cab with 70/80s and it sounds badass with any of my Marshall tube heads...I cant imagine why they get so much hate...


The 70/80's seemed to have more midrange and were cleaner sounding both on the clean and boosted channels. I would think they would cut the mix a lot better in a band situation. The vintage 30's were muddy to me. I'm really surprised at the comparison and my thoughts. I have a 212 with 70/80's and was thinking about switching them out for Vintage 30's, but I think I'll stay with what I have after hearing this. Thanks


From Leo: I have heard trash talk about Seventy/80 speakers for years. I am generally a very clean player I think Seventy/80 are fine and actually like them better for the clean and slightly over driven tones. My favorite speakers for jazz are still the Eminence Cannabis Rex. Very warm and smooth.


I have a Vintage 30 and 70/80s in my 2x12 cab ... sounds great paired together


It’s like TV shopping. In the store they all show differences. Some brighter, some better contrast, etc. But no matter which you take home, it looks fine on the wall because you’re not comparing it to another.


I don't get the hate, it's different, not better. Don't be a sheep and follow whatever TheGearPage says is the flavor of the month. Everything has it's place.


The Seventy 80 sounded better to me in all of the different tones. The Vintage 30 sounded like it was muffled when on the higher gain settings. I wonder if that's because its a lower wattage speaker and it was starting to distort. I'm listening through mid-focused headphones as well. Maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know.


I gotta say Vintage 30s. Damn, because I have G12P-80s, which are pretty much Seventy-80s I think. But I can't play well enough to care too much and I never play gig loud. So they sound awesome for my uses. This month I bought a used Line 6 Flextone III 2x12 with the shortboard stomp box for $450 NZD. Mint condition after I anti-ox sprayed a scratchy volume pot. I've only had little 8inch practice amps till now. So like 35 years of tiny amps. OMG what a difference having a big amp with twin 12s makes!!! Will it make me Jack White? No, too late. But my son is 9 and he may just have the stuff. So glad he's got all my gats to access and the big amp. Got him a Harley Benton 3/4 Strat...but he hates it. He loves my Strat partscasters and my LP copy. So far nothing broken. He's learning to care for stuff from playing guitar. Cool.


The seventy80 tends to be on the shrill/bright side but because of that pairs nicely with a darker speaker


I think 70/80 is perfect for 60-80 hard rock, while 30 sound better for metal. Every music equipment is good depended on how to use it. No point to hate any of them. Damn, wanna have them both.


I agree Shane i like the 70/80 for clean and vintage 30 for distortion.


The key to getting the best out of a a v30 is for it to be paired with the right amp. When it's not well matched to the anp it wont sound right . The v30 and the dsl 40 both c and cr models are are not the best combo . In a silver jubilee the v30 would crush the 70/80..the original dsl circuit was designed with the 70/80 in mind. The new dsl has the v type because they changed the circuit.althoigh the v30 pairs very well with, the newer dsl 5. O have a 5cr and a 40cr and through my 1 by 12 v30 cab the dsl 5cr smokes my 40cr tone wise . Much more open and has that classic marshall roundness. Much less fuzzy sounding than the 40cr .I do love the 40cr though..


To my ears the seventy 80 sounds a lot more scooped, while the V30 is very midrange focused.


They are pretty close actually. The Seventy 80 is the speaker that keyboard warriors seem to hate. It might be just a hair "smoother" than the Vintage 30.


I've got the 70-80s in my Mustang 4. They sound very good on clean tones, but not so great on dirty tones. But, I use the Mustang for my Line 6 Pod Go, and they sound great no matter what type of tone I'm using. So in my case, I'd say it's the preamp of the Mustang that is the issue. Running throught the effects loop makes it sound like a different amp.


The 70/80 sure kept pace, sound great. I have 2 v30s in my marshall 412, went w t75 in the 212, way into the t75s over the v30


7080 sounds more defined for my ears and fuzzier when overdriven. I like that speaker far better than the v30.


How about the two cabinets played at the same time, or a speaker swap so one of each in one cabinet. If the V30 is strong in the mids, and the 70/80 is a bit scooped, maybe they'd make a great combo?
