Final Fantasy 16's New Game+ Changes the ENTIRE GAME?!

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Max checks out the latest news regarding Final Fantasy XVI by IGN, showcasing the game's impressive New Game+ difficulty, Final Fantasy Mode, which changes the entire game's enemy placement, making for a brand new experience!

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The Dragon’s Voice and Ram’s Voice mechanics are EXACTLY how it is in 14, and it’s making me smile


Wow a mode where we actually get to use our legendary weapons on actual fights and not the last boss. I can’t wait


New Game+ being an extension with added stuff from the main game is something I always love. Gives a reason both to replay and be challenged by your favorite game


That's exactly what NG+ should be. An extension of the base game that gives you challenging content where your endgame equipment has time to shine, and is balanced assuming you are at maximimum potential, so you can't brute force it with big number unga bunga. People who play once and have their fill are still good, but the people who want more actually have a meaningful 2nd playthrough that's more than the same game but some stuff carries over.


Wow they really made a Savage mode for the ENTIRE game. This game is just looking too good.


Giving the Chimera the exact same mechanics it has in FF14 is so sick to me


So Max, how many times are you gonna play through this game?


Actually went out of their way to change up the enemy variety throughout the game. So when you revist areas your not gonna be like "Oh I know exactly how to take down these specific enemies" you gotta become even more godlike with your current abilities. That's so freaking cool


I love how the FFXVI chimera is using the same design and Dragon's Voice/Ram's Voice from FFXIV


There's DEFINITELY an exclusive superboss (maybe even more than one) in Final Fantasy Mode that we're gonna find.

I've played WAY too many SE games to not know that there's gonna be some delicious jank we're gonna have to do to unlock all the coolest endgame weapons and bosses. And I cannot wait.


Hopefully they will add Clive Must Die Mode as the highest difficulty setting in the future.


FF15 had a good thing going with NG+ where they added like 9 extra dungeons and a lot of secret bosses. I hope they have something similar in FF16 as well.


Square has been doing NG+ in their games since the mid 90s. They just didnt do it for most of their Final Fantasy releases. Chrono Trigger and Cross. Parasite Eve. I do wish they considered it in more FF titles. It's like they started the trend, but other games carried it on until newer IPs that got big had it. Then they decided they had to do it. And why not? A lot of us are gonna play the games twice over at least, granted the game doesn't feel like anything is too ridiculous to obtain twice if it can't be carried over.


Devs: “We call this stage the Greatwood. You visit this area early on the Story/Action Focused Modes.”
Max: “Yeah I played this area. It’s like an early area.”


Man, my one hang up is that playing DMC V in Son of Sparda mode made me wish it was selectable from the start, as its enemy selection and formation was a straight upgrade in my eyes. I worry it'll be the same for FF16!


I'm so glad I got a Ps5 today. Got to try the demo. SSS-tier.
This game is going to be so bloody good.


As someone who's also familiar with character action games, New Game+ is basically how DMC/Platinum's harder difficulty modes work: They're designed with you having full access to all the tools in the game so enemy placement is different and they have additional attacks.

Except this is a 40 hour narrative-driven RPG instead of a brisk 10-15 hour action game.


If I got a gill for every time I read a fan say "I cant wait to play FF 16" in the last couple of weeks, I could have bought SquareEnix over twice and release the game today for everyone.


I actually like the small detail of the damage output being minimal with each attack in this game. Enemies don’t need to have 1million HP for it to seem tanky, less damage has that same effect and when you land a 4 digit attack output, it actually looks impressive when it happens


I never play NG+'s. I always just start a new campaign because I don't like starting a game overpowered, and no leveling to look forward to, but this mode seems to fix the core issues I've always had with NG+'s. I hope more games will include modes like this going forward, other than just letting you play the game over with all of your gear, and being as powerful as you'll ever get from the start.
