UK PM Election Results Live Updates: Liz Truss Is The New UK PM | Rishi Sunak News | News18 Live

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UK PM Election Results Live Updates: Liz Truss Is The New UK PM | Rishi Sunak News | News18 Live

Liz Truss has defeated Rishi Sunak to be the new Prime Minister of Britain.

Sunak polled 60,399 votes as opposed to 81,326 polled by Truss. The number of total votes polled were 1,72,437 with a voter turnout of 82.6 per cent. The percentage of votes in favour of Truss turned out to be 57.4 per cent.

The result was announced at 12:30 pm (5 pm IST), after foreign minister Truss and her rival, former finance minister Rishi Sunak, spent the summer rallying support among the Conservative Party members who cast the final vote.

Long the front-runner in the race to replace Johnson, Truss, if appointed, will become the Conservatives' fourth prime minister since a 2015 election. Over that period the country has been buffeted from crisis to crisis, and now faces what is forecast to be a long recession triggered by sky-rocketing inflation which hit 10.1 per cent in July.

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Very Good, DO NOT let indian be UK's PM.


But in my opinion Indian origin British PM will not be good for India
