Immersion Without Moving Abroad - Intermediate Spanish

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Experience the language. Become the language.

Unlock the secrets to rapid language learning from home as this video reveals how you can immerse yourself in any language without leaving your country, featuring transformative tips and personal success stories that will change the way you learn languages forever!

At Dreaming Spanish, you will learn Spanish the way you learned your native language, namely, through immersion. Simply start watching content at a level that is comprehensible to you, and gradually work your way towards more and more advanced videos.

As researchers like Dr. Stephen Krashen have shown over the past 40+ years, receiving comprehensible input, that is, messages that you can understand in the target language, is what actually results in language acquisition.

By listening to our stories, cultural expositions, conversations and games, you will get used to real Spanish as it's used in context, and develop a native-like intuition for the grammar and the vocabulary, together with a clear pronunciation.

Experience the language. Become the language.

Рекомендации по теме

I'm gonna be honest you're literally the best YouTube channel I know, not just because you teach Spanish in the best way possible but also because you talk about so many interesting things, almost like vlogs. I try to support you as much as I can being a student but I also wanted to let you know that your efforts are highly appreciated and you should be proud of the success you have achieved, both on this channel and in your personal life. Also you're also one of the most knowledgeable people I know! You're the only reason I use YouTube nowadays


I hate it when people criticize you for your "frankenstein" way of talking. What they don't realize is that you intentionally made it slow for us learners to understand since Spanish is a fast speaking language. Anyways, I love your vids! Much love 💖💖💖


Funny story. I changed the language on my switch to Spanish so I could try to get some input while gaming. Naturally, in due course, my joycons started drifting pretty badly, and I called nintendo to troubleshoot. While talking with the rep, he asked me if I could see a certain option, and I confessed that I couldn't because my switch was in Spanish.
Rep: "Oh! Let me get you to the Spanish line!"
Me: "Well, I don't actually speak Spanish--
Rep: "No, trust me, it's no problem; let me get you over there."
Me: "No, no, no! I don't speak Spanish!"
Rep: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes! If you could just tell me where the button is--
Rep: "If you'd be more comfortable speaking Spanish, the guys on the Spanish line would be more helpful..."
The conversation continued, and I was finally able to explain the situation. It was embarrassing because I couldn't even find where to change the languages in Spanish. Lulz. That's my domestic immersion story. 🙃


Soy Indio
No sé español muy bien pero tus videos son muy buenos.😊👌👌


Siiii, estoy de acuerdo. La inmersión es muy importante. Trato de hacer muchas cosas en español durante todos los días, como escuchar música en español, mirar telenovelas y videos solamente en español, leer en español etc. Creo que todo me ayuda mucho a aprender más rápido. Gracias por el video


Yo he hecho el mismo con Español y lo he estado muy divertido y me ayudo mucho tambien. Muchas gracias a Pablo por todos. Tu me has hecho querer aprender muchas idiomas.


I also used AJATT when I was trying to learn Japanese, but a big problem for me was that it was incomprehensible input. I should have found easier stuff to watch and listen to. But I stopped learning Japanese when I came to Thailand and started learning Thai. And now I'm learning Spanish too. Maybe someday I will go back to Japanese and try to find more comprehensible input.


Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Ademas, hay un barrio latino en mi ciudad, y yo visito con frequencia los restaurantes y las bodegas en este barrio.


Sus presentaciones aquí en YouTube son muy buenos para aprender español por principiantes y intermedios como yo. Buen consejos también. Gracias y ahora yo estoy suscrito.


Thank you for your videos and language learning tips, Pablo. I found them very useful. I agree with you that with the internet you don't have to live in a foreign country anymore to learn the language. There are plenty of listening, watching and reading material you can find by browsing the web. Probably the hardest part is finding the material that matches your level, especially the very beginner (first exposure to that language) level and the bridge between intermediate and advanced (before you're ready to consume "mainstream" material). Especially hard for less famous languages (probably Thai is one of these).


La mayoría de los estudiantes etranjeros participando en cursos linguisticos en países etranjeros pratican muy bien la immersion total: se enrodean unicamente de compatriotas o de otros etranjeros hablando
ingles, y seguien connectandose continuamente en las redes sociales con
sus amigos, novios, las noticias etcetera. Genial!


Nice episode! I know Khatzumoto (AJATT) for more than 10 years. But he always change his methods :)
10, 000 sentences to MCD (Massive Cloze Deletions), etc.


Theo (Canada): cualquier forma de inmersión es importante y se puede usar. Gracias.


Si, es verdad, este método es útil. Estoy haciendo esto todo el tiempo. Escucho la radio en español, las consiones españoles, veo vídeos en español, de muchas temas diferentes como es psicológico, la cocina, viajes, los perros, la tecnología, no solo como aprender idioma, tengo algunas canales de YouTube. Pero algunas veces es difícil encontrar el canal interesante de YouTube o de la radio donde la gente habla todo el tiempo en español de España, no de América latina, quizás tu podéis recomiendo algun canal, por favor? Y también leer es útil pero es importante hacerlo en voz alta para mejorar tu habla, si es verdad, esta realmente servicial. Pero para mi mas útil cosa que ayúdame mejorar muy rápido es comunicación con la madre de mi amigo que no entienda ningun otra idioma solo español y para mi es un regalo qué tengo ella, por tres semanas en este comunicación yo mejoré mi nivel de nivel qué entiendo casi todo y hablo correctamente casi con fluidez.


I think I saw on AJAAT the idea that frequency is more important than duration, so you could have 2 minutes every hour of the day and you’d get accustomed to the language faster than one immersive hour a day, if I understood correctly. I was skeptical. What do you think? Can immersion be highly intermittent and still work well or even better?


Vivo en un pais donde mucha gente habla espanol, Los Estados Unidos! En mi gimnasio y en muchas las tiendas de mi ciudad mucha gente hablan espanol. Algun dia aprendere como escribir en espanol en mi portatil. 😂


Gracias por tu vídeo ! Lo me disfruté mucho y tu consejo es muy útil a mi. 👍 también me suscribí a ti en Patreon 😊


About moving abroad... Pablo, one day I saw a video in YouTube where an American girl was sharing here experience how she went to Spain to learn language, lived in Spain for few years, shared apartments with Spanish people and it was very surprising for me what she said that she didn't learn much because people she lived with didn't speak much with her. How it's possible to not discuss everything what happened with someone you live with, is Spanish people really so closed, don't want to share anything with foreign person, Pablo is it true? For me it's quite shocking, when I meet foreign people visiting my country I speaking with them for hours telling everything


Hmm. Puedo cambiar el idioma de mi celular pero me parece que está un riesgo sí lo haga demasiado temprano en mi aprendizaje. Me pregunto sí puedo hacerlo hoy? Quizás...


Hola, me gusta tu método, pero me parece que es más útil cuando ya sabes algo básico. Porque cuando no sabes para ti suena muy raro lo que escuches.
