Josephus and Tacitus on the Miraculous Events of 70 A.D.

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We go through a list of the miraculous events that both Josephus and Tacitus recorded in and around 70 A.D. towards the end of the Roman war against Jerusalem.

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There is a more recent video I have made, with MORE of the events of the first century...

Also, the spiritual timeline of the same time:


Thank you for this video. Present trumpet sounds in many countries is an omen of coming destructions at the end of the world.


Thanks for posting this short video. It is important for followers of Jesus to be aware of what has happened in times past as well as present.
70 AD fulfilled so much of what Jesus spoke about.
He was faithful to lead His remnant out as they followed His voice obeying what He commanded.
The same is true for the believers in Jesus today.


This is very deep especially knowing that Josephus was a very unbiased recorder of History. I never knew about the events of a d70 and I'm just starting to read about preterist and partial preterism so wish me luck. I do believe there is much deception about Israel today.


Thanks for sharing your research. We know Messiah told his followers that Jerusalem would be destroyed and that history shows many fled to safety to places like Pella. But it is fascinating to hear, from even secular sources, of these miraculous events giving them further reasons to flee on time. Our Lord is so merciful and patient with those who fear him.


Muchas gracias desde España. Glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ, God blessed forever, who has rescued us.


great video! keep up the good work of telling the truth with proper context and historical background. The Lord bless and keep you!


I am pleased that you found the writings of Josephus, as well as Tacitus. I am not sure if you are aware of it yet. But the angels and chariots seen in the heavens by both the Jews and the Romans was Christs return for judgement in about 66AD during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The loud voice that said, "let us leave hence" was the Saints being resurrected just as St. Paul told them would happen. The glowing light above the Temple prior to its destruction was Christ pleading with the Jews to repent. It also served as a witness to the Romans. The comet shaped sword fulfilled the signs which Christ gave to the Apostles as recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. And finally, the Heifer giving birth to a Lamb was in reference to Christ. These signs and events were a last plea to the Jews to repent of their adulterous lives against God, which also served as a witness against those who pierced Him. "BEHOOLD! He comes as the clouds and all will see Him; even those who pierced Him..." Revelation 1. Finally, these events proved the Olivet Discourse was fulfilled, which ties directly with Revelation. Although with regards to Revelation, I believe we may be in the post millennial period and Satans last deceptive attempt of the entire world via Zionist agenda.

The reason my most Christians in America do not know about these events is because most Protestant Churches have been fooled into accepting the Zionist Dispensational doctrine created by Darby and Scofield. They do not want Christians knowing the truth and instead want everyone to believe that modern day secular Israel is God's coming kingdom, and not His promised Church which was completed by 70AD.

The false Jews were judged in 70AD, and the faithful remnant, along with the ingrafted gentiles, were both built up into the rebuilt House of God; hence the new Bride of Christ. We are their spiritual offspring, so to speak, and we abide in the heavenly Jerusalem known today as Christianity. The 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem represent the remnant of ancient Israel of the flesh. Each foundation describes the purity they became through suffering. The Apostles are represented by the 3 pearls serving as gates on each side of the city. And the nations enter into the spiritual city when we attend Church. Hence, the Church is the New Jerusalem which began under the first covenant, and was completed at the New and final covenant by 70AD. Satan was locked away after that time during the Millennium's to allow the Kingdom of God to continue and expand (be fruitful and multiply). He was released centuries ago and began the dark Zionist movement comprised mostly of Roman Jesuits, Ashkenazi Jews, and fellow Zionists of central banking, Big Oil, and International Corporations. It is they who have spent decades trying to suppress Christianity in order to promote Talmudic satanic pedophilia and murder. But we know that Zionism will lose, and the wife of Christ will continue in her glory and splendor. And evetually, Satan will finally be gone. Then both sinner and those who thirst for righteousness will no longer be influenced by wicked powers. God says of them, "let him who is vile, continue to be vile, but let him who is holy, continue to be holy". This means God will no longer use force or wrath to raise children; all will be free to choose without fear of war or wrath; freedom to choose.


Thank you, brother, this is interesting material, Glory to the Living God.


Thank you brother. Keep on sharing. God bless.


This was the most interesting video I have seen in years. Thank you for information shared. May Jesus bless you and all who watch video ✝️.


There's also a version of this in the Talmud:

Babylonian Talmud:
"Our rabbis taught: During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ['For the Lord'] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor did the western most light shine; and the doors of the Hekel [Temple] would open by themselves" 

Jerusalem/palestine Talmud:
Forty years before the destruction of the Temple, the western light went out, the crimson thread remained crimson, and the lot for the Lord always came up in the left hand. They would close the gates of the Temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open" 

If you dig a little deeper into this you'll find discussion on a High Priest named Simeon, who was said to be very righteous, who held the position 40 years, and every year the crimson strap turned white, 40 years in a row. The way it's written makes it sound like these 40 years immediately preceded the last 40 years. Also about this high priest(I think it's the same one, i don't remember), he said that every year when he went into the Holy of Holies, a man was in there, and would walk up to the alter with him, and back to the door, but in the last year, the man walked to the alter and stayed there, so this high priest told his fellows that he was about to die, and he died that year.

It's interesting stuff. It sounds like there was some kind of supernatural sign that went on with the day of atonement in the temple each year. You'd have to do a little research. I don't remember all of it.


If Christians REALLY studied the OT, understood the difference between didactic and apocalyptic language, the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation are clearly speaking of the end of the OT Age with the most awful event in history, the Roman seize of Israel in 70ad.
Critics have successfully called Christ a liar because after He explained all of the things that would happen, He ends it with “truly truly I say unto you THIS GENERATION (40 years) shall not pass away until ALL THESE THINGS COME TO PASS”. So either Lord forbid Jesus lied, or recent liberal Christians simply don’t know biblical exegesis.
In what should be one of the greatest proofs of Christ’s at least prophetic powers, liberals have turned Revelation and the OD into a joke.
If you read, carefully Jesus answer to “When will the end come”, first you have to recognize He’s being asked when the end of the AGE will come, not all time. Christ uses simple prose combined with apocalyptic language found almost ver batum from Isaiah. Is “The Lord coming in the clouds” a good thing? No, it always signals judgement, and was used for Egypt, Moab and Israel under the Babylonians.
This is what happened when the Lord came according to Isaiah for the destruction of Israel to Babylon, “The Heavens melted and the moon shone no more, the earth shook and was terrified”, now did that happen EXACTLY? No! Because it’s a certain literary form, I’ll tell you this, the first century Christians understood!
Jesus said “When you see all these signs DO NOT escape to the city, but FLEE IT” this is why there were many Christian camps OUTSIDE JERUSALEM, and when they happened the unbelievers ran into the city because the walls had the great herodian stone walls, but believers knew better.
It was such common knowledge, the warnings of Christ, that when the Romans hurled rocks into the city, the watchman would yell out, mockingly “Here comes the SON” mocking the Son of Man.
I haven’t watched this guys video yet so I’m not accusing of anything, but I also fell for the Hal Lindsey scam of Dispensationalism, and other ridiculous interpretations of Revelation, a book written to 7 specific churches in a specific place at a specific time of what WOULD SOON TAKE PLACE, what a liar God would be if Revelation WASNT coming for 2000 years and John just wrote the events would HAPPEN TO THEM SOON when in reality they would not! It’s a JOKE.
Follow all the clues, Nero is the Beast, his name transliterated from Latin to Hebrew was 666, and get this, we have copy manuscripts with 616, error? No they happen to be Greek translations, see Latin to Greek Neros name is 616!!!!
1.5 million Jews died, some underwent cannibalism, the emperors worship statue was in the Holy of Holies Josephus and what’s his name the Roman historian, and as Jesus said “not one brick upon another”, but the OLD COVENANT WAS GONE, CHRIST DESTROYED IT, I mean we should be shouting this from the rooftops, instead we read some book someone has written and think Rev and Olivet Discourse will apply to us some day, insanity because it’s exciting for people, it used to excite me, but the TRUTH is much more exciting and CHRIST IS STILL COMING BACK!
If anyone has questions please write, for example what did Romans call Rome? “The city of 7 hills” sound familiar?
If you want the best study, RC Sprouls “Last days according to Jesus” is where you start and end, once you get the context, WHO these words are going to, historically HOW DID THEY TALK? What does apocalyptic language of destruction look and sound like, I never thought I’d say this but REVELATION IS A EASY BOOK, 75% is EXACT quotes from the OT, and it’s easy to overlay it onto Israel and Rome, and then all the players reveal themselves. Now I’m not a full preterist, and in my research 99% of others definition of what Preterists believe is false at best, slander at worst, and mainly misunderstood out of ignorance and tradition.
We need to understand that just like those of Jesus time who didn’t know precisely HOW the Messiah was going to come, not the prophets, not the angels, we do not know precisely how Jesus will return except “He shall return the same way He is leaving”
I’m getting excited about Christ’s return again because looking around Christianity is pretty much dead, the last bastion Europe is almost gone, in America 95% liberal fun “Let’s be good people and go to Church” type Christians, the acceptance and glorification of sodomy and every evil is exalted, and I don’t see people getting saved anymore, I know they do but when I was young you could see people left and right choosing, now there’s nothing but worldly evil so I hope and pray Christ returns soon.


Good video. I read Josephus many years ago and remember all the points you covered. His story of the Antiquities of the Jews is good also. Especially Antiochus.


If people are wondering yes the signs in the Heavens are biblical, read about Elijah, right now above us and everywhere is Spiritual activity, we just can’t see it because sin blocks our view, but God removed the veil in the time of Elijah so people could see the spiritual reality behind everything, same thing here going on.


Great video. I take the partial preterist approach


Jesus says I’m coming on the clouds with power and a great shout. Makes you wonder


please make a longer video about the supernatural from Josephus


Very interesting research... the 70 AD events is the most important occasion and celebration hat are solemnly hidden by the grace of God. All the serge, destruction, feast, miracles and etc on that specific period are causalities of what truly happens.


Thanks for the 6.5.3. hint. Found it in my Josephus (Thomas Nelson 1998) copy.
