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It really fits! OMG! We talk so much in this video! YEAH! Also this doggerland culture of placing Silbury Hill, which represents PLANET EARTH in the middle of their lands is COPIED AT GIZA!!!!!!!!!
✅ Tshirt, MUGS, MERCH! WOW! 👍
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“Descended from the Trojan Brutus” - We have a “tale” in the annals of my family, in the Mormon records in Oakland USA for some reason, that we descend from Troy, one of the Troy’s. Just from our family name we can date ourselves back to Italy, through France, into England as part of the Norman conquest and into... Ireland.


Now, this is the sort of stuff they should be stimulating young minds in school with, instead of Indoctrination and learning to pass an exam whilst not being actually educated.


Maybe its just a badly made map, A map that is wrong because who ever wrote it didn't know very much.


Just love Avebury and Silbury hill. Healing energy there. I found the Silbury to be the most energetic place in the area. It was indeed surrounded by water and still floods occasionally. Strangely it's in a dip and not built in a prominent place like on raised ground so it would be more impressive. It's like it had to be there and it isn't about being visually impressive as the main concept. Like the circles are often on the side of a hill and not at the top.
I believe earth energy serpents are guiding placement rather than visual impact. Mary serpent does run through the hill and I get a feminine vibe like it's a bosom rather than a phallus. Surrounded by water it could represent the primal mound and the idea of finding land when all was flooded. A life saver/giver.
When it reflects in the water it becomes an egg or the other bosom. You are not allowed up there but rules is for fools.


And so we all learn again, thanks Charles 🌹


The shape of avbury at the end is interesting, the position and orientation of the elements seem to create a duel vortex it seems I wonder. It reminded me of the air intake of a rocket stove makeing fire tornadoes.


In the Ulster cycle the Isle of Skye was forrested, to the west as far as eyes could see was forrest, to the east "Scotland" was forrest.. I have a feeling this map is very close to accurate, too bad its not topographical to see what went under the sea! Poor Atland is she still sinking or rising nowdays?


You Know it !! PAPS OF JURA! Mr Charlie do you know of these??? they are the Pillars spoken of!!


Atlantis was a huge continent, stretching from Azures to Carribean, it cracked up and sank many yrs ago, most of population drowned, survivors fled to higher, safer ground. Also was a circle of 3great lands seperated xcept for land bridges between each, this would account for symbolic recreations built by later and surviving offsprings.
Try looking at Mdm Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" and look in index for Atlanteans.It is an eye opener .


Me head is numb! Some strange conflation of maps by their different interpreters? :)


There is another hill in the SW of england almost on the coast called mons basis in Latin mountain of frogs in English I live hear here and I always felt something is important also on alley lines to Ireland America Glastonbury Stonehenge and giza worth a look its called Brent knoll now and also has links to Joseph of arimethea and possibly jesus


or intentional misinformation,
5:26 Ptolemy more like 'now look half the country starts at caledonia go sail up to fukin caledonia to check it yourslef or just go tell the emperors treasury to send more bacon!'


Excellent info.. as usual. Thought for a minute I was watching a Bill and Ted special hosted by the grim reaper character.. thankfully it's just Dr Charles in hoodie 🤔😁👍


The European isles were full of druids, The mound builders, and the moorish before they got — colonialism


most maps from that time period east is the (main) direction, on top where north should be but you know this.


Can't read the tiny little map. Please make it full screen


Ely is pronounced "eel e" cause of all the eels! Video and research comin up! The Kos'manaughts are out on the case!


"Bridges" from the North, Atlantis was supposedly made up of concentric circles well the pennies could also offer a bridge provide a plane pendle is a ft off being a mountain and back then would be classed as such. They lead toward North Wales and if the land was once part of mainland Europe they would have been channels of where we now have the English channel??


Only issue is Britain never had a naval civilization size of atlantis


Ptolemy there spitting out the longitudes and latitudes of British rivers in 150AD 😏 "England" coming from "Anglia" could make sense, in your previous Doggerland video you showed the Dutch province of "Anglia" too, and we of course have the original English word for a fisherman: an "Angler", which the peoples of the wetlands obviously were.

You may find this interesting, it's from an article called 'The Academic Suppression of the native British or Pretani, the People of the Cruthin':

"About the fourth century BC or earlier, a new race appears to have come to Ireland, commonly known as the Celts or Gaels; whence they came is uncertain. From ancient mythology and other sources it appears that they were a race of yellow-haired big-bodied people, contrasting in these respects with the aborigines. They came as conquerors; they appear to have landed in Ireland on the south-east coast, gradually pushing their way north and west, eventually establishing their chief and central headquarters at Tara in County Meath. That they drove the aborigines before them as one would drive herds of sheep is inconceivable; they conquered them and became the ruling class, holding the natives under them as serfs; they were apparently a small minority of the population."

PS: If we're talking pre-Magna Carta history, "Historia Regum Britanniae" chronically everything from the original Trojan campaign with Brutus and his companion Corineus, founder of Cornwall at Totnes, the giant killers - through to the 12th century. It paints a much clearer picture of what actually happened during the Roman invasion, specificially with papa Caesar and Octavian. It's completely brushed off today though, to quote Wikipedia: "Although taken as historical well into the 16th century, it is now considered to have no value as history." – I think that's bullpoop, and it probably holds some more clues to this our very mixed-up British history.
