Groundbreaking! The First SUCCESSFUL Total Eye Transplant

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Breaking news! We now have the world's first successful whole eye transplant!

Today we review the world's first successful eye transplant completed in May of 2023. This marked a historic milestone in the realm of medical science and organ transplantation. This procedure, carried out by a team of skilled surgeons, involved the meticulous transplantation of healthy human facial tissue and a whole left eye. Successfully integrating the blood vessels and the optic nerve of the donor eye to the transplant recipient.

This monumental achievement stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of scientific innovation and the unwavering dedication of the medical community to push the boundaries of what was once deemed impossible.

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Рекомендации по теме

This is such a big step to addressing blindness. I am a organ donor, I won’t need any of them after I’m gone. Thanks for all you do. 😊


Amazing first step in just having the eye survive the trauma of being removed and then placed into a different person.


Wow I’m legally blind and have 3 cornea transplants. One eye removed and other eye on way out. I have genetic disease Fuchs dystrophy. This is AMAZING probably not for me I’m 58 but my daughter is 27 and diagnosed also. So exciting the research and developments happening around the world. To the incredible nurses and doctors/specialists you are heroes. To the recipient and donor Thankyou for making this happen.
Love your videos Dr Alan keep up the awesome work in bringing all the news about eyes to us. Love Leisa Western Australia xxx


I was born with a full retinal detachment in my left eye. Stuff like this gives me hope that maybe one day I'll be able to have full vision for the first time.


This is one step toward helping millions. I have one blind eye and one eye that is low vision with glaucoma. I dream for a day that I can replace my blind eye with either a transplant or an implant. I get questions from folks all the time as to why they can't give me a transplant. Well, this is a step in the right direction and this gentleman and all the doctors and nurses that made this possible are true medical pioneers! We are one step closer to a "cure" for blindness but still have a long way to go.


Thats amazing news! I am a cornea recipient & I am registered to be an organ donor.


This will be the key to restoring my 20/20 vision with my new eyes.


That's pretty amazing. I sincerely hope this works for that man.


I am an organ donor because I have met more than one person who is alive because of organ donation. Thanks for sharing this amazing news with us!


THANKS, DR. ALLEN. This is fascinating. Praying for all involved. As always, you explain everything well, for those of us who are not medically trained.


Such wonderful news! I almost cried! Wishing love, light, and the Lord's healing grace over the Veteran, his family, and comfort to the donor's family. Blessings to all of the medical team and support staff! HOOAH!


In the future I hope that thanks to nanoscience it will be possible to connect the brain to the optic nerve.
And yes, organ donor!


That is exceptional! I understand how important it is for the eyes to work together. I had a very difficult time after cataract surgery getting mine to work together, while waiting for the second eye to be done. I can only imagine how difficult the brain/eye connection with his eye transplant is. Gods blessings to all!


Amazing story. Even if vision isn't restored, just learning the details and technology for such procedures will make medicine and surgery advance hugely. New subscriber here. Great work!


What do you think of artificial eye with neuralik implant? Will body accept it better and potentially be a future cure for blindness ? What are your thoughts?


I can finally get a sharingan transplant someday


I have one eye with very limited function due to a damaged retina and I've often thought about how to do a transplant. The biggest challenge is splicing the two optic nerves together correctly. Each individual photoreceptor that is located at a specific spot on the retina is connected to a specific individual nerve that runs to a specific location within the visual cortex. To produce a proper image the millions of individual photoreceptors must be precisely mapped to the corresponding locations in the visual cortex. Having all the individual nerve endings line up and come together correctly where the two different optic nerves are spliced together won't be easy. I think a better idea is to put a cell phone camera into an artificial eye implant and then interface the electronics to the optic nerve. The electronics could correct all the mapping errors and produce a proper image.


This is such a huge deal because it’s always been conventional wisdom that once the eye is separated from the optic nerve, it’s lights out (no pun intended) for good. So eye transplants seemed entirely pointless up until now. If sight or even just light perception is successfully reestablished in the transplanted eye, it will open up not just a world of possibilities for curing sight loss, but also bring us closer to curing spinal cord injuries since the optic nerve is part of the CNS.


Im not an organ donor. I should be but I still have mental barrier that I hope I can overcome in the future but I deeply respect people who are and proudly can display it on their drivers license.


Thank u for talking about this story
It gives hope to so many
I am an organ donor
