Wellness 101 - How to Meditate for Beginners

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Life can certainly be stressful sometimes, can’t it my man? Did you know that mediation can help you relieve stress? Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. Look, I’m not asking you to be some sort of meta super guru, but there are actually plenty of advantages to mediation that make it worth a shot. Some of these advantages include: Enhanced Self Awareness, Improved Focus, Better Sleep, Pain Control, and Reduced Stress. Sound beneficial to you? Good, we’ve got five simple steps to help get you started.

Step One: Wear Comfortable Clothing
In order to keep the mind calm and focused, avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing which can make you physically uncomfortable. Instead, consider loose fitting clothing and remove your shoes for added comfort.

Step Two: Find a Quiet Environment
Getting your brain to focus can be difficult enough without external distractions like TVs, phones or computers, so it’s best to find a quiet, peaceful environment to mediate in. You don’t need a ton of room, but you are looking for a spot where you will be uninterrupted for the duration of your mediation.

Step Three: Stretch
Meditation requires sitting still for long periods of time, so it’s a good idea to consider some light stretching before you begin to help your body relax and keep your mind focused on the task at hand.

Step Four: Sit on the Floor
Have a seat on the floor with your legs crossed and your hands lying loosely in your lap. If the floor is too hard, it may be more comfortable with a cushion or pillow. Be sure to sit up straight. Try to imagine a rope that is pulled from the top of your head that prevents you from slouching. Technically, you can meditate in almost any position: sitting, standing, or lying down. The reason we suggest sitting as opposed to lying down is that most beginners tend to fall asleep lying down because they are TOO relaxed.

Step Five: Clear Your Mind
This step is easier said than done as our minds can be as cluttered as a New York City street. So how do you drown out all that noise? Start by closing your eyes and simply focusing on your breathing. Make no attempt to change your breathing in any way, just breath as you normally would. When your thoughts start to wander, and they will, simply focus on your breathing again. Try to focus on your breathing for as long as you can.

Thanks for watching. Meditation can be a tough skill to master when you are first starting out, but the benefits are incredible. Perhaps start with one minute a day. If you find you can sit and relax that long…bump it up to two minutes and so on. Don’t forget to smash that like button, and share to all who need a little mellow in their life. Until next time, this is Mr. Wellness saying Namaste, and follow the steps to a healthier you.
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