3-Body Problem- New Space Mission Ideas

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It's not just about Lagrange points. The 3-body problem opens up amazing possibilities for space mission design. Instead of decomposing the N-body problem (spacecraft and N-1 planets and moons) into only the spacecraft and one influencing body at a time, an approach called the "patched conics approach", we consider the spacecraft in the field of two bodies at a time--- the patched 3-body approach.
The patched three-body approach is leaps and bounds greater than the patched conics approach. It ends up being a really good approximation for almost any mission that you'd want to do.
The techniques involved can get you into a lot of applied math like differential equations, chaos theory, and Hamiltonian mechanics. But we have a book that covers these topics.
► Dr. Shane Ross is an Aerospace Engineering Professor at Virginia Tech. He has a Ph.D. from Caltech (California Institute of Technology) and worked at NASA/JPL and Boeing.
► *FREE Book on the Patched 3-Body Method*
Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design. Koon, Lo, Marsden, Ross (2011) ISBN 978-0-615-24095-4
► *Other Related Videos*
▶️ Applications to dynamical astronomy
▶️ Applications to space mission design
► *Related Courses and Playlists by Dr. Ross*
📚3-Body Problem Orbital Dynamics Course
📚Space Manifolds
📚Space Vehicle Dynamics
📚Lagrangian and 3D Rigid Body Dynamics
📚Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
📚Hamiltonian Dynamics
📚Center Manifolds, Normal Forms, and Bifurcations
► Related article
Ross, The interplanetary transport network, American Scientist 94, 230 (2006).
0:00 Intro
0:34 Tale of a Confused Comet - Oterma
2:17 3-Body Problem
3:07 Equation of Motion
5:10 Lagrange Points
8:35 Chaos Theory (Poincaré)
8:56 Periodic Orbits (Lyapunov)
9:30 Tubes of Transition (Conley & McGehee tubes)
11:31 Inside the Tubes of Transition
12:40 Missions in the Sun-Earth-Moon system
13:15 James Webb Space Telescope orbit
15:02 NASA Genesis Mission, solar wind sample return
21:21 Chaotic sensitivity of trajectories in xGEO cislunar space
24:06 Connections between Lunar L1, L2 and Sun-Earth L1, L2
26:42 Servicing, repairing the James Webb Space Telescope
29:26 Low energy transfer to the Moon
31:30 Low-energy tour of Jupiter's Galilean moons
35:39 Endless possibilities
36:11 Free book available
#orbitalmechanics #spacecraft #threebodyproblem #SpaceManifolds #JamesWebb #manifolds #NonlinearDynamics #gravity #SpaceTravel #DynamicalSystems #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #space #manifolds #solarSystem #NASA #DDA51 #dynamics #gravitationalManifolds #gravityManifolds #CelestialAutobahn #autobahn #superhighway #celestial #cosmicSuperhighway #SpaceSuperhighway #InterplanetarySuperhighway #GravitationalSuperhighway #highway #spaceHighway #superhighwayNetwork #spaceHighway #GravitationalAutobahn #gravitational #mathematics #dynamicalAstronomy #astronomy #wormhole #physics #chaos #unstable #PeriodicOrbits #SaddlePoint #TippingPoint #CriticalPoint #Halo #HaloOrbit #Libration #LibrationPoint #LagrangePoint #LagrangianPoint #BalancePoint #ShaneRoss #LowEnergy #VirginiaTech #Caltech #JPL #NASA #Lyapunov #LyapunovOrbit #CelestialMechanics #HamiltonianDynamics #planets #moons #multibody #GatewayStation #LunarGateway #L1gateway #ArchesOfChaos #cislunar #cislunarspace #orbitalDynamics #orbitalMechanics #celestialChaos #Chaotician #Boeing #JetPropulsionLab #Centaurs #Asteroids #Comets #TrojanAsteroid #Jupiter #JupiterFamily #JupiterFamilyComets #Hildas #quasiHildas #KuiperBelt
The patched three-body approach is leaps and bounds greater than the patched conics approach. It ends up being a really good approximation for almost any mission that you'd want to do.
The techniques involved can get you into a lot of applied math like differential equations, chaos theory, and Hamiltonian mechanics. But we have a book that covers these topics.
► Dr. Shane Ross is an Aerospace Engineering Professor at Virginia Tech. He has a Ph.D. from Caltech (California Institute of Technology) and worked at NASA/JPL and Boeing.
► *FREE Book on the Patched 3-Body Method*
Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design. Koon, Lo, Marsden, Ross (2011) ISBN 978-0-615-24095-4
► *Other Related Videos*
▶️ Applications to dynamical astronomy
▶️ Applications to space mission design
► *Related Courses and Playlists by Dr. Ross*
📚3-Body Problem Orbital Dynamics Course
📚Space Manifolds
📚Space Vehicle Dynamics
📚Lagrangian and 3D Rigid Body Dynamics
📚Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
📚Hamiltonian Dynamics
📚Center Manifolds, Normal Forms, and Bifurcations
► Related article
Ross, The interplanetary transport network, American Scientist 94, 230 (2006).
0:00 Intro
0:34 Tale of a Confused Comet - Oterma
2:17 3-Body Problem
3:07 Equation of Motion
5:10 Lagrange Points
8:35 Chaos Theory (Poincaré)
8:56 Periodic Orbits (Lyapunov)
9:30 Tubes of Transition (Conley & McGehee tubes)
11:31 Inside the Tubes of Transition
12:40 Missions in the Sun-Earth-Moon system
13:15 James Webb Space Telescope orbit
15:02 NASA Genesis Mission, solar wind sample return
21:21 Chaotic sensitivity of trajectories in xGEO cislunar space
24:06 Connections between Lunar L1, L2 and Sun-Earth L1, L2
26:42 Servicing, repairing the James Webb Space Telescope
29:26 Low energy transfer to the Moon
31:30 Low-energy tour of Jupiter's Galilean moons
35:39 Endless possibilities
36:11 Free book available
#orbitalmechanics #spacecraft #threebodyproblem #SpaceManifolds #JamesWebb #manifolds #NonlinearDynamics #gravity #SpaceTravel #DynamicalSystems #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #space #manifolds #solarSystem #NASA #DDA51 #dynamics #gravitationalManifolds #gravityManifolds #CelestialAutobahn #autobahn #superhighway #celestial #cosmicSuperhighway #SpaceSuperhighway #InterplanetarySuperhighway #GravitationalSuperhighway #highway #spaceHighway #superhighwayNetwork #spaceHighway #GravitationalAutobahn #gravitational #mathematics #dynamicalAstronomy #astronomy #wormhole #physics #chaos #unstable #PeriodicOrbits #SaddlePoint #TippingPoint #CriticalPoint #Halo #HaloOrbit #Libration #LibrationPoint #LagrangePoint #LagrangianPoint #BalancePoint #ShaneRoss #LowEnergy #VirginiaTech #Caltech #JPL #NASA #Lyapunov #LyapunovOrbit #CelestialMechanics #HamiltonianDynamics #planets #moons #multibody #GatewayStation #LunarGateway #L1gateway #ArchesOfChaos #cislunar #cislunarspace #orbitalDynamics #orbitalMechanics #celestialChaos #Chaotician #Boeing #JetPropulsionLab #Centaurs #Asteroids #Comets #TrojanAsteroid #Jupiter #JupiterFamily #JupiterFamilyComets #Hildas #quasiHildas #KuiperBelt