The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress: Member Day Hearing

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The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress ("Select Committee") will hold a virtual hearing titled "Modernization Committee Member Day Hearing" on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
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To have a modern congress that serves the people congress needs to make the people the priority instead of taking monies from corporations or lobbyists representing them. By accepting those monies you have doubled the voting rights of wealthy individuals and allowed them to contribute infinite money into their candidates through the use of super PACs while at the same time prohibited citizens from possibly ever matching those contributions rendering one person one vote a total lie. The fact that politicians speak of superdelegates is proof that this has already happened and become a norm. Media is now reporting the passing of voting reforms to strengthen voter suppression makes federal intervention necessary to guarantee that every American citizen has access to vote in their registered area of residence without placing burdens on them because of poverty or physical disabilities. Having to drive miles away when you don’t own a car is just one example reported.
