The TRUE Meaning of Cinderella's Name - Disney's Dark Secrets About Cinderella (Tooned Up S4 E49)

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Cinderella is one Disney's oldest animated movies and probably one of the most iconic Disney princesses. However did you know that the original story for Cinderella had TWO balls instead of one? That's not the only thing Disney changed from the original tale... Which is why Channel Frederator and Tooned Up is taking a look at some more dark secrets, this time, behind Disney's Cinderella!

Did we miss anything on this list?! Let us know in the comments below!

Cinderella is property of Disney and Walt Disney Animation.

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Work With Us

Research by: Lisa Franklin
Written by: Lisa Franklin
Hosted by: Frank James Bailey
Edited by: David Jenkins

Graphics and Thumbnail by: Alexandria Batchelor
Programming Manager: Darrian P. Mack
Producers: Adrian Apolonio, Jesse Gouldsbury
Executive Producers: Carrie Miller, Fred Seibert, Jeremy Rosen

Music provided by Epidemic Sound
Music Provided by Epidemic Sound:
ES_Cinderella Ball Night - Magnus Ringblom
ES_Light Through The Clouds 2 - Håkan Eriksson
ES_Meditation For Viola And Piano 14 - Jonatan Järpehag
ES_Quiet Classics 4 - Christian Andersen
ES_Quirky Orchestra 15 - Josef Habib
ES_Whimsical And Playful 11 - Gavin Luke

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What should we do next on Disney Dark SECRETS?!


Me at 9:30 thinking about the book I read as a child: Didn't they cut off parts of their feet?

Narrator: Then there's the other version of the brothers grimm

Oh here we go


I was always taught the Grimm Fairy Tail was the original, so I'd hear, "In the original, the sisters mutilated their feet." I kind of like the ORIGINAL, original version. I almost teared up when I heard all she wanted was to be loved.


Yeah... The Grimm Brothers version is the one I knew since I was small. I grew up with their stories. Guess that having a Fairytale book by them paid off in the end... at least now I dont get as surprised by stuff like this.


Can we talk about the business lesson we get from the godmother?....

I mean, she comes at Cinderella's house, sees the situation, utilize the resources at hand and upgrade the characters with the more valuable experience, basically giving them a promotion by making them heads of departments where they have been working for years.

There is a horse, let's make him pull the carriage as he's meant to be.... no, wait, who would be better at driving the carriage than a horse who spent all his life pulling one?... An old and loyal dog? make him the lackey who would take good care of Cinderella.... As for the mice, they would be like the trainees with little experience but full of energy that would make a good workforce.


But what about- "The Brothers Grimm" Ahh, there we go.


sitting in the fireplace does make sense if it's cold; she'd be trying to stay warm but not allowed significant bedding


Just because it was the first version does not mean it was the one that Disney took most reference from.
The Disney version is alot closer to the Grimm version.
She has animal friends who help her (the doves)
She is told she could go by her stepmother if she had something to wear and finishes sorting the peas her stepmother tossed on the ground.
And the story generally goes the way it does in the disney version.


Here is another Disney Dark Secrets. I love putting my voice to these. Thank you, Channel Frederator for keeping the DDS going! Hey, do you have an idea for the next Disney Dark Secrets? What about The Lion King, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan...there are so many, let us know!


Favorite version has always been "Ever After". One good step-sister who loves her and a step-mother who *could* have loved her if her father had lived.


I read that her mother named her Ella but her step sisters named her Cinderella because she was always covered in cinders and ashes


Aww, now I kind of wish they put the sisterly love and redemption stuff in there


In Perrault's original story it never says the prince never talked to Cinderella the first night of the ball, and on the second night of the ball it explicitly says the prince talks to Cinderella. It says, "The King's son was always by her, and never ceased his compliments and kind speeches to her."


I'm still wondering about how the heck did the prince not remember her face
Like, seriously??


She's not boring! She's sweet!


I prefer Yeh Shen, this is an older Chinese version of Cinderella. I mean it was written in like 850 so its definitely is the original version. Though this one is most like the Grimm version as the gifts come from fish bones that the young girl cries to after her stepmother kills her Koi fish friend. SO I guess there is Disneys animal friend angle.


I have seen Into the Woods and I have to say that the cutting off pieces of their feet and then getting blinded was one of the strangest and scariest parts of the movie and that is even with Johnny Depp singing Hello Little Girl. I mean the step mother cut her daughters feet. I bet that if she told her daughters to stop being cruel to Cinderella they would. It was the step mother that let all this happen. And she was never punished? The birds need to pay more attention to what's going on.


"Imagine Jacque and Gus squeaking that song"
Now I can't stop imagining it, thanks guys! XD


I grew up mostly without Disney and with the original Grims fairy tails.


Hey, anyone who's heard the story of Cinderella knows that her true name is Ella and the Cinder part was added by the stepsisters to mock her.
