rhythm | how to play 'Free Ride' on guitar by The Edgar Winter Group | guitar lesson tutorial

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An electric guitar lesson on how to play ”Free Ride” by The Edgar Winter Group from their 1973 album “They Only Come Out At Night.”

Thanks for watching. Cheers
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Shutup & Play - perfect - these are the best lessons ever. Thanks for doing this rock classic!


I have been playing for 40 years and know a ton of songs, yet always search for new tunes, especially classics like this one. I really like your teaching approach; easy bites to make sense of the whole. Well Done, Sir- I am fully subscribed.


I love the rhythm in this song and I've always been an ameteur play for fun in front of small groups early on but I'm about to turn 60 in 2 days and one of my things is to challenge myself learning new songs that I always loved but couldn't play. This one is on my list and I'll be playing it on my 79 Epiphone Genesis I got when I turned 16. I treasured my guitar and it has a few scars on the neck from me accidently crashing it into my friends symbol while he played drums in a small 10 x 10 spare room when we were teenagers. I paid 400.00 back then and got to hear it side by side against a Les Paul and my ear loved the sound of the epiphone better. My dad was willing to kick in the extra 300.00 for a lower end Gibson Les Paul and I still chose the Epiphone.


I love your opinions and musician credits of the songs before the lesson. This stuff is truly awesome. Thanks


One of the greatest guitar intos for a pop song. Dan Hartman's bass playing also kicks ass on this tune.


Always loved both the Winter bros. Never bothered to learn this great song. Until now. Awesome.


Hey man I just want to thank you, I got hurt a while back and it really put me behind the eight ball so to speak, anyway I started playing guitar again and I discovered your lessons online and you're a great teacher, teaching great songs the right way and I just want to thank you, you really inspired me to play guitar again!


Incredible! I have total respect for the song, and your ability to play it with such accuracy. Great tutorial.


This is utterly fantastic! You are one of the most helpful dudes on youtube. For years I played this in the open position, sliding up on the top strings, but this sounds better and is easier. You really know your stuff. I can't say thanks enough. All of your videos are awesome.


No question, you're a real player and probably the best tutorial on YouTube. Very much enjoy your hard work and learned a few things as well!


I can remember when this tune first came out around '73 and copying it off the album as there was nobody around to show it to me or no internet and much later on found out all the songs I copied off of vinyl records in those early days were exactly the way they are suppose to go, often my transcriptions by ear were more accurate than the tabs etc that I looked at much later to compare notes and I never slowed down the records as I can slow down the notes in my mind no matter what the original speed is, for many years I just took my gift for granted but then realized a lot of people can't do that, unfortunately I have carpal tunnel now and can't play much anymore, a twist in fate.


This song (and Frankenstein!) never came on in my ‘74 Firebird without the volume hitting about 3/4 on my quad 8-track!!!


Just wanted to say that I appreciate your talent and the quality in which you teach and present your videos. My sincere thanks.


Dude - My band just started playing free ride earlier this week.You just straightened out a fundamental piece of the beginning of free ride I've always played wrong for years back in the 80's ! Thank you - you're great teacher !


Very nicely done, you are really good at teaching this type of intermediate to advanced lessons, no BS, some good background and then dive in. I like it. Thanks so much.


What a Bitchin intro and groovy tune. Always have love for this song even though im just a bit shy of the day and generation it came out in. I'm 58 and just love the hell out of these great tunes. I'm trying to learn it as a very amateur player. Thanks for the lesson.


This song has always made me happy since the early 70s when I was a little kid. You're an excellent instructor, teacher, player and your love and RESPECT for the medium and its history is there in spades -- you've got a good ear too. I have a small handful of YT guitar teachers I go to when I want to learn songs verbatim, you know ... how they SHOULD sound 😄 Inevitably you drive me crazy with big doses of reality as some of these masterpieces require more effort than I initially expected -- oh, the truth hurts! One example is your lesson on Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo ..., it's spot on. Bit more work there if you want to get it RIGHT and once you demonstrated that, it 's tough to unhear. I'm not beyond having fun with just getting the skeletons of some of these though as you can build skills from it all. Thank You!


I really like your style and way of teaching. The attention to detail and comments you add authenticity to each part. Many songs I picked up years ago playing along with the radio...but now I have re-learned them in detail from your instruction videos...and it's a blast! Thanks and keep 'em coming!


Never thought the riff was so easy! Thanks for making a more upfront review and not taking forever explaining a simple chord like some other channels do. Got it in no time thanks to this video!


I just watched a video (midnight special) where Dan is playing guitar and Ronnie is on bass.
Love Edgar and the boys....😊
