Starbucks With Ice or Without?

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#Shorts #StreetCents #Starbucks #Drink
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There is a middle ground, get a tall no ice and a grande cup of ice and pour into the ice, you now have paid less for more


From someone who works at Starbucks: it’s as simple as this, all of our iced drinks are filled (with the actual drink) to the top black line, then we add the ice. But you guys are right there are ways around this, just pls spare us baristas the question of why your no ice venti latte tastes like straight milk.


You are paying for the concentrate used: more concentrate is used in Grande than Tall whether you get ice or not. The rest is just how you like your water.


When I worked at Sb, I had comments regarding the "rip-off" drinks that contained too much ice all the time. It always made me wonder why Starbucks is the only company that faces criticism for this when other companies don't even have exact measurements for their drink to ice ratio, usually filling the ice to the top then adding the drink. The Sb measurement system requires us to make the drink according to the marked lines for consistent taste at all stores, not to rip people off, the amount of ice is only from the top black line up.


Because TikTok loves to "debunk" things like this;

Obviously if you ask for no ice, it's going to be more than the drink that will have ice in it still. If you asked for no ice on both, it would of shown different. If you asked for ice on both, it would of show different.

The only time you should truly look at what you're getting, size wise, is when you ask for extras. Like vanilla sweet cold foam. I ALWAYS tell my customers, if you want a lot of foam but still a good amount of drink, order the size you want and ask to put it into a bigger cup.
Example would be

A grande iced white mocha, no whip, vanilla sweet cream cold foam with extra caramel drizzle in a Venti sized cup. That way you'll be getting all of the latte in the cup, and enough foam to justify the extra charge.


Every starbucks operate differently. Sometimes the same sbux operates realty differently depending on who the shift leader is. The one I work at, it can be really fast paced, and "light ice" or "no ice" can easily make it more difficult. Why? Bc the print of the stickers are small and it can be easy to miss or we forget bc we are trying to do 3 drinks at a time. All I say is, if your mad that we arent doing a perfect job, we are typically overworked, understaffed, and underpaid.


I was trained for most drinks to just add more water when the person asks for no ice. When you say no ice all the easy measurements are thrown off so the easiest thing is to just add water to fill up the drink after you do the normal measurements. Sometimes you might get a nice barista who will give you other ingredients instead, but they have to just eyeball what looks right in that case.


Work at Starbucks some Starbucks stores fill it too the brim but it’s technically wrong their are measurements that were supposed too follow if they don’t want ice added to the drink we fill it about it halfway that’s how we’re supposed too do it at least it’s the rules we used to fill it too the top but our store got in trouble 💀


Here is a tip, when you go to a restaurant with refills, get your first drink with ice and subsequent drinks without, the glass is chilled from the ice and it lasts longer, or just get your own cup with ice at home, I got an ice maker but you could always freeze it. But then you might as well just buy the drink yourself and make it at home for less


Note that per Starbucks procedures the base drink ingredients are based on the size ordered, not what fills the glass. So you put in the drink base and then fill the cup with either ice, water, or the milk selected up to the full line on the cup. So by ordering with no ice you are effectively telling them to dilute the drink more (some people are fine with getting the extra free water or milk but they will also do that for free and add ice too if you ask for it to be diluted in a larger cup). Now some baristas when in a rush will kind of ‘eyeball it’, that is against procedure so strength does vary.

Also Starbucks partners are secretly laughing at you because you think you’re “gaming the system”.


Btw most fast food chains just put less drink in if you get no ice as it's all done automatically and has the same set amount for both types


the iced cups hold more
so a venti *hot* is 20 oz. but a venti *iced* is like 24 oz. to make up for the space lost with ice


No ice, ever. I want all my drink & that’s anywhere.


I used to be a Starbucks barista, usually people would ask for light or no ice. So I'd eyeball it on the shakers. If it was light ice I would go 1 and half lines for everything. If it was no ice I would go 2 lines for everything. It usually evened out 95% of the time. If it was a refresher with water I'd put a little more tea in than water just so it wouldn't be too watered down. My one manager was a bully who targeted certain coworkers (me included) so I would do this to not only spite her, but also make sure yall get your money's worth.


Cruched ice is the best more drink and cold drink:D


In Germany we usually get like two ice cubes in cooled drinks. it's not freezing cold, but it's nice and cool. I don't think really cold drinks are good for you either way


My strategy is to have them blend it so it becomes a slushy that is cold but still fully drinkable


I work at Starbucks, so the measures are accurate for hot drinks, obviously not for drinks with ice in them! ☺️


…that’s called displacement lmao.
As a barista the measurement is there FOR A REASON.
The lattes will be too milky if you get no ice, the refreshers will have too much water/lemonade/coconut milk with no ice.
Get a drink with no ice and you’ll see the actual base is VERY diluted with no ice.


Get the drink no ice, get a cup of ice and viola!!
